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I walked through the halls of Goode High School, trying to blend in among the mortal students, though it was hard with Annabeth and Grover at my side. We had heard rumors of powerful new kids at Goode—rumors that whispered of potential dangers we couldn't afford to ignore.

As we neared the lockers, we spotted them: two students standing side by side, speaking in a language that sent a chill down my spine. It wasn't Greek or Latin—languages I had become accustomed to deciphering—it was something entirely unfamiliar, guttural yet rhythmic.

Annabeth's hand tightened on my arm, her blue eyes narrowing in concentration as she strained to catch snippets of their conversation. Grover shifted nervously beside me, his keen senses attuned to any hint of danger.

"They're definitely not speaking English," Grover whispered, his voice tinged with concern. "And it doesn't sound like any monster language I've heard either."

I nodded, my mind racing with possibilities. Were they allies? Or were they here to stir up trouble, perhaps at the command of some ancient foe?

"We should keep an eye on them," Annabeth suggested quietly. "See where they go next."

So we lingered nearby, pretending to adjust our books while covertly observing the new students. They finished their conversation and headed down the hall toward the history classroom, their steps confident and purposeful.

As they walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that every move they made was deliberate, calculated. Were they aware of us watching them? Did they pose a threat to the school, or worse, to us?

The bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. With a quick glance exchanged between us, we followed the new students into the history classroom, taking seats where we could keep them in view without drawing too much attention.

Throughout the lesson, my mind drifted between the lecture on ancient civilizations and the mystery of the new students. They sat quietly, taking notes like any other student, but there was an air of otherworldliness about them—a subtle aura that set them apart.

After class, they disappeared into the crowd, leaving us with more questions than answers. Annabeth sighed softly, her brow furrowed in thought.

"We need to find out more about them," she said firmly. "Who they are, where they come from."

Grover nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "And if they pose a threat."

I nodded, my jaw set with determination. Whatever these new students were, allies or adversaries, one thing was certain: we couldn't afford to underestimate them. As we made our way through the bustling school halls, I couldn't shake the feeling that the calm before the storm was over—and that we were standing on the brink of something far bigger than any of us could imagine.


Lol, these are kind of short, but I pinky swear the sequel is gonna be great if I keep doing mass re-updates. Anyways, thanks to the loyal ones who keep reading!

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