Her Past

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Katie's POV

I left the tower after me and Ryder had a whole conversation just now, I still can't forgive myself that he felt broken because I wasn't here, I guess he still gets attached to me ever since I started living in Adventure Bay But I still have second thoughts about the kiss he did to me, should I tell him? About my secret?.....That....
That Im a divorced woman?


10 years ago

As I went to my grandmothers house after 3 hour trip, I decided to let Cali out of her cage, she was getting cranky so I won't be able to keep her shut or she'll meow endlessly.

I started walking to my Grandmothers cottage like house. It looked like a villagers home from olden days but a bit modern,  My Grandmother lives by herself  and refuses to live with my family 6 towns over Adventure bay 

but ever since my family accepted that i would live on my own, she had been the closest to adventure bay to visit than my other family members

I love Granny as well and wanted to live in with her but I had to leave or the clinic my dad previously owned in Adventure Bay will be demolished if there's no owner so it was a big decision but I'm glad my grandmother understood. She doesn't like crowded places and not to mention cities for some reason so I organized a monthly visitation to her home for a few days or a week and she gets excited about it

I looked at the cottage where I grew up, it hasn't changed a bit! Peaceful location, a beautiful garden and the balcony swing chair where my Granny would sit most of her time but somethings different

She wasn't there?

"maybe she's cooking brownies again like always" I snickered and smiled, I loved her brownies A LOT

I placed my luggage at the balcony and I saw the door was cracked open "this looks weird" I said as I inspected the door and it looked like it was pryed open, I immediately started to get worried and barged in the door only to see that the living room was all messed up and broken

Even her years of collected mini porcelain people. "Granny? Where are you?? " I yelled but to no response

I immediately looked at every room in the house

And it was all ruined "Did scum bag robbers destroyed my grandmothers house??" I panickly said. My heart was beating so fast and I was scared on what happened to granny

I got my phone and started to dial 911. My hands were shaking in fear as tears started to flow and blurred my eye sight until I heard a voice "Scumbag Robbers ey? Heh, think twice barbie" I immediately felt a force from behind "HEY! WHAT THE-" before I could say anything I was chloroformed and passed out.

End of Flashback no.1

No ones POV
Katie made her way to the backyard where people still went up to her and catch up with old times. She was happy to see all the people she loved and care are doing so well in life, mostly the Pups and their little puppers as well

It was almost midnight and people started to go home one by one. Katie stood outside the lookout waving bye to Apple and Farmer Al and Yumi as they drove off going home

She smiled and sighed 'what a day' she thought until she noticed something biting her skirt. She looked down and saw Skye's kid Skylar playing

I giggled and petted the autistic pup until Skye called his name "Skylar honey! Time for bed!" the pup immediately went to his mom as he came in for a nuzzle on her face

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