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"Hello?" Obi-Wan called out, his blue eyes scanning the area behind him and the smooth rock in his hand poised mid-air. "Is someone there?" He began standing up and edging away from the peaceful lake, a worried frown creasing his ginger brow. 

Ahsoka jerked forwards, fearing that Obi-Wan was about to disappear, but I put my hand on her arm, stopping her. She wrenched it to herself, glaring at me as her lips parted in readiness of the following words. But I covered her mouth with my hand, putting a finger to my own lips.

"Be careful. Move slowly," I mouthed, then released her.

She took a further moment to scowl at me before creeping out from behind the large rock and coming into Obi-Wan's view. He started, his body flinching backwards as he rapidly calculated the quickest route to freedom, but Ahsoka put her hands up. "It's okay," she said quickly. "I'm here to help."

"Who are you?" he asked cautiously, turning the stone around in his hand uneasily. "Are you San?"

Her white eyemarkings popped up in surprise. "You know who San is?"

He shifted his weight, glancing around the area again. "I know the name. Are you San?"

"No, I'm not, but my friend is." She indicated to me, so I moved from behind the rock, crouching on the grass. She gave me a funny look, but I wasn't watching her, instead keeping my gaze on Obi-Wan. Some of his apprehension had morphed into curiosity, and he looked me up and down critically.

"Are you San?" He continued to finger the stone in his palm, but his interest seemed to be overriding his concern.

"How do you know that name?" I asked, keeping my voice low and my posture as unthreatening as possible, still crouching on the grass.

He frowned, his thoughts turning inwards as he considered my question. "I don't know. I just ... do."

"Do you know anything else?"

He twisted his face, then shook his head. "I don't even know who I am."

"Your name is Obi-Wan Kenobi," I explained, slowly removing my mask. "You've been poisoned, and now you have amnesia."

He raised his eyebrows. "Have I? How come I remember your name, then?"

"It was the last thing you said," Ahsoka said with a shrug. "You told me to 'Find San.'"

Obi-Wan's arms slid around his chest as he eyed the teenager. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ahsoka Tano," she responded promptly, unaware that he was shuffling uncomfortably and checking behind him. Maybe the lake had moved and he could escape that way.

"Ahsoka," I said quietly, adjusting my position so that I was cross-legged, "why don't you sit down with me?"

She frowned, instinctively bristling because someone else was giving her orders. But then she observed Obi-Wan's distinct unease and obliged, dropping next to me. Obi-Wan visibly relaxed, though he remained standing in case of an emergency.

A brief silence ensued that had Ahsoka squirming, but I could see Obi-Wan was turning something around in his mind. Finally, he let the words emerge, though only admitting them slow passage. "My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. How do you know that?" His eyes were fixed to me, and I could only assume I was the intended recipient of his question.

"Nearly the whole galaxy knows who Obi-Wan is. I'm no exception."

"How did you find me?"

"I guessed."

He seemed surprised. "You guessed? Even I don't know why I came here, so how did you?"

I looked down momentarily. "I knew that Stewjon was your home planet."

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