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He ducked through the streets, wrapping the shadows tightly around his muscular frame as he prepared for his next move. A soft breeze whistled through the alley, kicking up a small cloud of dust that splattered in his face. The sun obliviously filtered onto the smooth ground, spreading her rays and her warmth all across the peaceful city. A group of excited youngsters played in a small circle, giggling and shrieking, but he didn't stop to watch.

Keeping his focus sharp and his resolve solid, he stepped from the shadows, displaying himself in the middle of town where all could see. The sun alighted on his imposing figure, glittering off the bubbling water fountain and splashing her spotlight on his every part. She spared nothing but his secrets. Those he was allowed to retain, hidden and secured in the lockbox that was his mind.

People started to gather, filing out of the boxy houses and forming a wide berth. Some were pointing and shouting; others gasped and laughed in pleasure. The children clapped their hands and tugged on their mother's legs, requesting permission to run to him. The perceptive blue eyes of one who stood far above observed the scene, delighted at his arrival and ignorant of his purpose.

Cracks began forming at his feet, racing away from him in an ugly spider's web and clawing at the ring of buildings towering around him. Confusion nipped at the heels of destruction, blinding the civilians' eyes and blocking their sense. Fear sprinted in as soon as she could, but destruction was already reigning supreme, with confusion ruling at his side. Fear darted in between families, children, and elderly folk, warning them to flee and forecasting danger and death. Those protected by gleaming white ignored fear's call and ran straight towards that which they should have run from.

Explosions of energy reverberated from around him, rippling through the buckling streets and blasting back those rushing to stop him. Years of hard work and labour were torn down in an instant. Storms of dust and debris flew into the sky, shading the sun's view and humbling her pride. Shouts and screams of terror rose up after the airborne rubble, being drowned out by the terrific crashing and crumbling that assaulted the quiet city.

Orange sparks from metal against hot metal leapt onto dry wood and ignited into tiny flames. Tiny flames sucked in precious oxygen and swelled into fluttering, roaring fires. Smoke trailed after the fires, sluggishly leaving its choking tail wherever the wind desired to send it.

More people fled from the danger; others charged towards it. All with dreams of heroism and sacrifice gained only the latter, being thrown back. If it hadn't been for their durable, protective armour, they would have paid with their lives.

Even time itself gave up counting how many tried to thwart him, and the sun stopped watching, declaring the scene a tragedy and one whose ending would be better explained later, than seen for oneself. The moon dutifully took the sun's place, his silvery beams unable to outshine the fiery dog that licked the empty streets clean. Finally, when the moon was halfway through his shift and even hope had curled up to sleep, a competitor worthy of the challenge stepped up to the task.

With a snap and a hiss, a blue blade was born.

I sat up suddenly, my head spinning and my heart pounding. Those dreams were becoming more vivid and more detailed, and I was tired of having my night punctuated by them.

Slowly opening my right hand, I watched as the crinkle lines in my glove appeared, then marvelled as they vanished when I crunched my fist shut again. I repeated the action a few times, sometimes amusing myself by pinching the lines and tugging at them. Then I would run my left thumb along my closed fist, feeling the smooth leather on my bare skin, watching as the falling raindrops tumbled off the material.

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