Chapter 10: Hospital

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A/N: This is another sad chapter. It's a bit long, but its worth it. Enjoy

Narrator's (Grant's) POV
"Oh, the food is here," Mully looked up from his phone, "I'll go get it." He rose from the couch as I watched him leave. The door bell rang as I paused the TV, not wanting Mully to miss the show we were watching.
Mully had come to visit me everyday since the fight with Josh. I could tell he was still down about rejecting Josh and Juicy not liking him back. It was like a double punch in just one day.
And of course, me being the nice person that I was, I allowed him in all the time. It was nice having someone who cared about me come visit and check up on me. That's because me and Mully had a lot in common.
Mully came back with the food we had ordered, and the aroma of it made my mouth water. "Ooo, that smells so good. Thank you," I grabbed the plate from him as he sat back down on the couch, "I'll pay you back." "Nah, don't worry about it," Mully waved his hand, "Its the least I can do for you having me over." I shoved a mouthful of pasta in my mouth, and I was starving.
I glanced over at Mully, who was still picking at his food. Even if the room was dim and the television lights flashed across his face, I could still see a frown. "What's wrong?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows in concern. "Nothing I'm just thinking..." Mully sighed, resting his head on his hand. "About?" He looked at me as I said this, but I couldn't read his face.
"About Josh," He answered after a few seconds, "I'm worried. He never acted so angry before." I knew he was talking about the fight with Josh and Juicy. He had told me everything the next day, and was still too nervous about contacting him. "Why don't you try texting him? Maybe it will help get your mind off things." I suggested, with a small shrug, "It's been a couple of days already. He probably already figured out his feelings." Mully was quiet as he ate some of his food. "I'll think about it..." Mully muttered.
"Aw, cheer up bud," I shook his shoulders playfully, "Everything will be okay. I promise. And even if it's not, we'll get through it together." Mully smiled a little, "Thanks Grant. You know, I love you man." I stopped, choking on my water. Mully laughed as I coughed, and he slapped my back. "Oh come on dude," Mully kept laughing, "You don't need to be so dramatic!" "I-*cough* love you too*cough*" I took a deep breath, finally able to speak, "Just don't catch me off guard like that again."
We continued to laugh and speak together until my phone rang. "Oh, sorry Gaege is calling me," I told him, and he laughed. "What the fuck is that profile picture of him?" He asked me, pointing at the stupid photo I took of Juicy. "Don't question it," I picked up the phone, "Hey Gaege! What's up-"
"Grant!" Juicy suddenly yelled on the phone, his voice shaking, "Is Mully there with you?" "I- yes. He's here," I answered, realizing this was serious, "Juicy, what the hell is going on?" Mully furrowed his eyebrows, seeing my concerned expression. "It's about Josh!" I could hear him sniff, "Grant, he's in the hospital. He got into an accident the other day and I..." He sobbed, and I suddenly felt tears forming in my eyes. "What?" I said in shock, "How long has he been there?!"
"A few days," Juicy answered, "You need to meet us at the hospital quick." He hung up, and I was left in a shocked silence. "What? What's going on?" Mully asked me as I avoided his eyes, "Is everything alright?" "No, Josh is in the hospital," I explained to him sadly, "He's been there for the past few days! Mully, how could we not have known?!" Mully quickly rose up, fishing for his car keys, "Come on. We need to go. Now." I listened, too worried to speak.

Mullys POV (At the hospital)
"We came here as fast as we could," Narrator told Eddie and Juicy as we saw them waiting outside Josh's room. "Is he alright?" I quickly asked, hoping that he was okay. "I hope so..." Eddie answered, his eyes glassy.
The door to his room opened, and we all turned to see a doctor exiting his room. "Ma'am!" I called out to her, "Is he alright?" The doctor turned her head towards us, and I noticed a clipboard in one arm. "Yes, he's alive," She took off her glasses with a sigh, "But he had a terrible accident. He was very lucky it wasn't fatal."
She glanced down at her clipboard, "He's suffering from a fractured rib and a broken leg." Another doctor exited the room again, noticing us. "He is asking for visitors," The male doctor told us, "You're allowed to speak to him if you want. Just be careful."
We all rushed into the room, but I instantly stopped when I saw him. He was wearing a blue hospital gown and his eyes fluttered open when he saw us. His body was limp and his arm was slung over his chest.
The bags under his eyes were more noticeable, and he had tubes sticking out from him. The small beep of the heart rate monitor was at a steady pace, and I felt tears stream down my eyes.
"Josh!" I was the first to react, grabbing his hand as I came by his hospital bed, "I'm so sorry..." Josh's blue eyes found mine, and he looked surprised. "M-Mul...?" His eyes flickered to the others behind me, "You guys... came?" "Of course we did!" Eddie answered, "You had us worried sick!"
Josh looked back to me, and I couldn't take it anymore. Seeing his sad face reminded me of when I yelled at him, and the guilt of it all stirred inside me. I had never felt so guilty in my life.
"Let's give them a moment," Narrator whispered behind me to Eddie and Juicy, "We'll speak to him right now..." They quietly left the room, leaving Josh and I alone. I sniffed, trying my best not to cry.
"You don't have to hold back, Mully," Josh answered weakly, seeing the tears in my eyes, "It's okay." "No, no, it's not," I stopped, choking back tears, "This is all my fault." I avoided Josh's intense stare, and I couldn't read his expression. "I'm sorry, Josh. I really am," I squeezed his hand, "I thought I was going to lose you."
Josh looked away, slowly pulling his hand away from mine. "Don't do this to yourself..." Josh's eyes were glossy with tears, "It wasn't your fault. It was my choice." "W-what do you mean?" I grew worried, holding onto his words, "What was your choice?"
Josh sighed sadly, looking thirty years older. "I did this to myself," He looked down at his limp body, "After we fought, I couldn't take it anymore and I..." Even though tears weren't coming out of his eyes, I could still feel his tone of voice. "But that never would've happened if I wouldn't have yelled at you," I ran a hand through my hair, "Fuck, I'm such a screw up!" My hand was in a fist as I grew emotional, "Why can't anything good happen to me?" I took a deep breath, feeling tears pour from my face.
Josh turned to me sadly as I shook my head. "I can't do this," I told him, "I need to get some fresh air." "Mully-" Josh began to say, but I left the room before I could cry more.
I rushed past the other boys, who were all confused as to why I left so suddenly. I burst outside the hospital doors in a whirl of anger, guilt, and confusion. I thought I was going insane. I had never reacted this way before towards anything.
"Mully, wait!" I then heard Grant's footsteps behind me, "Come back!" I stopped, hearing him trying to catch his breath as he caught up with me. "Are you alright?" He asked me with big eyes as I didn't look at him. "I'm f-fine." I lied, wiping my tears, "What do you want?"
Narrator was silent, only staring sadly at me. He pulled me into a tight hug, something I didn't expect. "It's not your fault," He told me calmly as my shoulders shook, "It was never your fault." I pulled back a little, enough where he can look me in the eyes.
His light blue ones were scanning my face, and I had never been this close to him before. My heart ached for someone that could make me happy... Yet as Grant held me close to him, I realized that my cheeks were turning a slight shade of red.
"You shouldn't have to see me like this..." I wiped the tears from my eyes, "I just wish I could have helped Josh or done something differently. I'm a terrible person." "No you are not!" Grant answered as I was taken aback from his tone, "You were the only person who came and checked on me, a bad person wouldn't do that. You were the only one kept smiling and cheering us up when no one else would, a bad person wouldn't do that. You were the only one who tried to keep the boys and I together, only a good person would do that."
I looked down at his lips, my heart aching when I heard his words. "Grant..." My eyes flickered back up to him, and I saw him do the same. I leaned in slowly, gently pressing my lips to his. The connection I felt was amazing, something I had never felt with someone before. I kissed him for a few moments, feeling an unfamiliar feeling rising in my chest. A feeling that seemed different compared to everyone else. Like this was somehow...
Meant to be.
We pulled away slowly, looking into each other's eyes. "Mully..." Grant touched his lips gently, a small smile forming on his face, "Did we just..." "Kiss?" I chuckled, "Yes. And I don't regret it one bit." Grant smiled, and I returned it. "I feel a lot better than I did before," I blushed, "Thank you for... you know, encouraging me." Grant grinned, "That's what I'm here for."

A/N: I was literally crying while writing this ahhh... That was probably one of the most emotional rollercoasters I had ever been through while writing lol. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and thank you all so much for the support so far. Have a good day and remember to keep being awesome :)

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