12. Is There A Problem?

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"Last night went great! Let's clap it up for another successful night at our nightclub," I said. I sat at the head of the table among my coven, and something seemed off. I just couldn't put my finger on what was wrong with the coven.

"Yeah, great job. Everyone," Mingi said. It's always good to have a right-hand person that you trust to help you along the way. He always backs me up, even when I'm wrong. I studied everyone's face, and I noticed that San nor Wooyoung said anything.

"Is there a problem, Wooyoung?" I asked. He's a little bit more vocal than San. So, it would be my best bet to try to get information from him.

"I'm just trying to understand why Lee Taemin was in VIP last night. He left with the moon goddess, and it just doesn't sit right with me," Wooyoung finally spoke up, and sat up in his seat.

"Taemin, will always be a brother to me. I had to show some respect to him. He's an elder to me," I said.

"Fuck all that hierarchy shit. You left that coven to start your own shit, and now it seems like you're still Jooheon's little bitch," Wooyoung spat, and his words cut deep into me. I leaped up from the table and over to him. I grabbed him by the throat.

"I'm no one's bitch," I said. I held his life in my hands, and he still didn't back down. I continued to squeeze his neck, and he finally started to tap on my hands.

"Okay, let me go," Wooyoung begged, and I tossed him back into his seat. No one said anything, and they didn't have any right to. I work so hard to keep this coven afloat that I don't deserve all back talk over my decisions. While, he's trying to play checkers with Stacee. I'm playing chess.

"Now, does anyone else have anything to say about my decisions?" I opened my hands to allow them to speak. If anyone needs to get anything off their chest, they can talk now.

"Hongjoong, there is gossip that the new king, Christian, is about to bring back Jooheon's club, Fantasia. How will we compete?" Seonghwa asked.

"That's a good question. Firstly, we need to make sure everyone is on the same page. If we want to be the dominant club, then we have to make sure we have entertainment. I need performances for next weekend's shows."

"So, we have to outdo Kai?" Yeosang asked.

"Yes, I know everyone in this room can dance."

"Mmm... I think I will do live lap dances on stage," Wooyoung cleared his throat.

"Sounds like a great idea," I said.

"I think if you are trying to capture the attention of the Moon goddess, she will like that. Meeting adjourned," I got up from the table. I left the meeting room and went upstairs to my bedroom.


I felt an adrenaline rush seeing Taemin in his element. Even though, he's my submissive, to see him glamour her made me feel things. I honestly enjoyed seeing him with power. It suits him well. I wonder does he prefers women that he can glamour. My mind started to wonder as I looked on at him bite her.

He watched me as he sucked on her neck. It didn't seem like a sexual act, so it didn't make me jealous. But, it made me curious. Did she feel anything from him doing this to her?

"Relax," he commanded her. He sounded so dominant, which is something I'm not used to. He stroked her hair, and I watched her body respond to his words. Now, my mind is really running.

Should we switch roles? Maybe just once. I'd be curious to see what he'd be like if I let him dominant me one time. He pulled away from her quickly, and I watched the blood drip from his mouth.

"Fuck, I've never seen you like that. It's kinda hot," I said. He licked his lip to savor her blood. A tiny part of me wishes it was me instead of her.

Prima collapsed and fell on the floor, and I looked so confused at Taemin. He promised me he wouldn't hurt her. He reassured me that he would be gentle. The last thing I need is someone else dead because of a choice I made. I rushed over to him, but stepped back. I can't react like this right now.

I dropped down to the floor to the side of Prima and touched her chest. I could feel a heartbeat, but her eyes were closed. "Is she okay?"

"I hope so," Taemin shrugged. Fuck, I want to call Ten to fix this situation. He would know what to do. I rushed over to my phone and scrolled through my contacts. I stopped when I saw a text message from Kai. What the fuck does he want?

Kai: I miss you

I'm not even going to try to process that bullshit. I can't call Ten right now. He's busy. Shit, I don't know what else to do.

"What are we supposed to do? Has this ever happened before?" I asked.

"I mean, yeah, it happens, but it's never happened before. She could be anemic or something. Do you know if she has any health issues?"

"No, nothing I can remember," I said. I vividly remember us talking about this stuff, and she always talked about how healthy she was.

"Well, do some of your magic shit on her," Taemin suggested.

"Sir, I'm not a witch, and I still don't know how everything works. I don't want to hurt her," I said.

Taemin came up behind me, and he whispered in my ear. "You're a fairy goddess. You can do this. Just tune into her and bring her back into consciousness," he said.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I got down on my knees, and Taemin went down with me. He held me while I ran my hands across her body. I tuned into her energy and visualized her being awake.

"Anastasia?" I heard her voice, and it made me open my eyes. She sat up off the ground. "What happened to me?" She asked.

"You just fainted. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I feel fine. Hell, I feel excellent, actually. I've been so tired lately, and now I feel like I have tons of energy. Let me grab those orders, and I will be out your hair," she stood and brushed her clothes to knock off any dust on her.

Taemin and I both smiled at each other. "Sure, everything is in the garage," I said. I lead her into the garage to grab her things. She seemed fine to me, so hopefully, she won't remember what happened. She walked behind me, and once we were away from Taemin, she said.

"Is he single? He's really hot. Who did you say he was?" Prima asked me.

"Ahh, he's my boyfriend," I lied. The last thing I need is her falling for him, and getting caught into her web.

"Damn, okay. You are a really lucky woman," she winked at me. Prima isn't usually this open, but I'm not going to pay it any attention.

"Girl, stop. I'm sure you have tons of guys after you," I said.

"Sadly, no. Hopefully, I meet someone soon," she reached into the orders box and grabbed the packages. "Well, I will see you later," she smiled, and headed out of the garage. I stood there, not sure what just happened in the last five minutes. Taemin came into the garage.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, I just need to talk to Ten. That was such an odd situation. Have you noticed people's personalities changing after a bite?"

"Umm.. not really. They act pretty much the same. Usually tired, but nothing out of the ordinary," he said. I really need a second opinion on this, but I just don't trust a lot of people to share this information with them.

Hmm.. I think I know the perfect person to call.

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