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the first week at the house was mostly just cleaning and getting everything in place but after that it was pretty fun.

like right now the tv was playing music while you all were in the living room. yachi, ushijima, and saeko were playing card games.

kiyoko, reon, and tendou were looking at songs that could be performed. tendou was there to add all his favorite songs to the list.

you and semi were sitting on the couch and talking. you both were both having a civil conversation without saying anything mean. that was saved for band practice.

"i have something for you." you said and reached over to grab a box. semi looked over curiously.

"no." he shook his head when he saw what the box was.

"but you'll look good with it." you pushed the box into his hand.


"please. i'll help you if you need help. you can change it after if you want to."

"why pink?" semi looked at the box or hair dye.

"it'll look good." semi looked unsure and you tilted his head up. "you'll learn to love it."

"i doubt it." he put the box onto the table. "i'll go get drinks." he stood up and went to the kitchen.

when he returned you weren't there.

then he heard a splash.

and then a shout.

another splash.

another shout.

then laughing.

"do i have permission to enter the pool?" semi asked and looked down at you and tendou who were in the pool.

"if you inflate those." tendou pointed at the pile of things you two bought at the store that contained floaties and beach balls.

"fine." semi walked over and grabbed the pump that was next to the pile.

you and tendou looked at each other in shock that he actually agreed to it. you were the first to swim over to the edge and looked up at semi. "you're not saying fuck off or walking back inside or anything?" you asked.

"nah, it's kinda boring in there." semi answered and moved to sit closer to you. his legs were now in the water while he stayed on the edge.

"it's because we aren't there." tendou moved to stand next to you. "could you start with that one?" tendou pointed at the huge pool floaty that was probably the size of the couch.

"why?" semi opened the beach ball and uncapped the spot where you blow air into.

"so i can cuddle with y/n of course." tendou scoffed. "what else?"

semi was about to put the tube of the beach ball into his mouth when he stopped and glared at tendou.

"do it yourself." semi said and started blowing into the beach ball.

"i can't cuddle by myself." tendou wrapped his arm around you and you looked over at him.

"not that, blow the floaty yourself." semi threw the package at tendou face, making you dodge out of the way.

"okay." he opened the package and pulled the flat floaty out of the packaging, leaving you and semi.

"you know you could just get in the pool without doing anything right?" you asked and leaned your head on his thigh.

the placement of your head made the knee that your head wasn't on jolt in surprise. "i know." he said once he regained his composure.

he didn't know what's gotten in to him. he's never been this jumpy with a girl. or become a blushing mess at times. this was all new for him.

"then why are you sitting on the edge instead?" you asked while looking up at him.

"i'm blowing up a beach ball." he answered and moved his mouth away from the ball when it was filled up with air.

"it's boring in here alone." you tugged on his arm and he looked down at you when he closed the beach ball.

"then wait for tendou to come back with the floaty so you two can cuddle." semi lightly bounced the beach ball off your head.

you slapped the ball away and grabbed onto semi's hands. he seemed to know what you were doing and with one simple tug he was in the pool.

"for fucks sake." semi shut his eyes before he fell in the water. you were waiting for him to come back up but he didn't.

"semi?" you looked into the water. "eita?"

then a pair of hands grabbed your hips from behind and lifted you up. your hands shot behind you and grabbed onto semi's shoulders.

semi grinned and turned you around. "hi."

"hi." you were lowered back down and reached for the beach ball behind you. "kinda thought the water just transported you somewhere else."

"nah, just found an opportunity to scare you." semi pushed his hair back and you were admiring it.

it would look better with some pink streaks though.

"why are you staring so much?" semi asked and was passing the beach ball between his hands.

"i'm gonna make your hair pink one day." you promised and went back underwater.

"you can try." semi threw the beach ball at your head when you came back up. "i'm not gonna let you."

"you say that now." you looked back at him and he dove into the water to swim over to you. you started to swim away from him and soon it was a small chase between the two of you.

"cannonball!" tendou shouted and jumped into the pool with the huge floaty in his hands.

he landed in the water between you and semi and pulled you onto the floaty. "semi stay off. this is tendou and y/n time." tendou said and folded his legs under him.

you were squeezing the water out of your shirt before leaning back and tilted your head up. semi's eyes were on your body and mostly your neck.

he wanted to run his lips over that spot.

then he froze.


tendou was looking between semi who was still staring at you and then back at you who was still leaning back with your eyes closed.

he let out a big gasp making you look at him. "you-!" he pointed an accusing finger at semi who already knew.

"shut up." semi jumped forwards and pushed tendou off the floaty and into the water.

"save us!" saeko yelled and ran out into the backyard. "we're gonna be all practicing together tomorrow! on one song! with evergreen playing! together!"

"oh well that's gonna be fun." you patted the spot next to you on the inflatable you were sitting on and saeko didn't need to be told twice before jumping in the water and sitting next to you.

"what's going on with them?" she asked and looked at tendou and semi who were trying to push each other under the water.

"i learned it's better not to ask."

idk if this is moving too fast but yeah
tendou and y/n's friendship >
they are strictly platonic. best friends.

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now