[5] Cancel the freaking show.

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David's POV:


I leave the parking lot where Ant and Dec got into the ambulance, anxiously biting my nails. God, I have a lot of things on my mind right now! Maybe it's just me being stupid, but I feel like Simon is hiding something. I don't know what, I don't have a clue what it is to do with, but I know that he's hiding something. And I want to know what it is.
We're in a relationship. People in relationships don't just...well, hide random stuff from one another and act like nothing's going on. Not if they are dedicated to that relationship. I'm wondering if he...*sniffs*...if he doesn't love me anymore. Because I love him. I love him with all my heart. And he knows that...I hope he knows that. I hope he doesn't think I'm ignoring him right now, and that I was when I hung up the phone earlier when the whole situation with Dec happened. I need to call him and explain this to him, he needs to know what's happened.
I pull my phone out of my pocket to see a voicemail message from Simon. I'm not even bothered that he let it slip about us anymore. Too much has happened since. I press play on my phone.
"Umm...hi babe, it's Simon. Just wondering if you're alright because I tried to call you and it said you were busy. Call me when you can."
My heart flutters in my chest. I love it when he calls me babe. It makes me feel like I belong, and it brings me back to reality. I am dating THE Simon Cowell. The legend. And he loves me...I think?
What am I doing? I need to call him back right now! I can't just listen to a message then leave it...that's crazy, right? And if he knew that I hadn't called him back after listening to his message he would no doubt be hurt. Yes, I'll talk to him. I'll call him back.
I press on Simon and call him. The phone rings a few times before Simon picks up.
"Oh my god David! You're alright! I've been worried sick about you. I was scared that something had happened to you because I don't know what I would do if something had happened to you and I don't want to lose you David because you mean the world to me and I love you and please tell me I'm not on speakerphone?"
I laughed, even in a moment like this there is always room for laughter.
"Simon, hey! Don't worry, I'm absolutely fine. Nothing has happened to me at all-"
"Why did you hang up? I thought you were mad at me because I was on speakerphone and-"
"Simon, listen. Something has happened to Dec. We need you to cancel tonight's show. Neither Ant or Dec are going to be there, and I don't really feel up to it either now."
"But I just spoke to Dec with you earlier..."
"Yes, but it happened after that Simon. Listen can you just cancel the show please?"
"But David, you need to tell me what happened!"
"Simon we don't have time-"
"David he is my friend! Tell me what happened."
"Simon we don't have time!"
"Please David?"
I am getting a bit frustrated with him now.
Simon was silent. I hardly ever raised my voice at him, let alone yelled at him. I've not had a good day though, it's not my fault.
Simon replied calmly, "David, can you take some deep breaths for me?"
I hear a sniff from the other side of the phone. Oh god, I've made him cry.
"Simon...listen I didn't mean to yell at you. Dec has fallen and hit his head. He had to go in an ambulance, and I had to help Ant while we waited for the emergency services. I don't want to fall out with you as well. I love you Simon...so please can you cancel the show?"
I hear movement from the other side of the phone. I think Simon has gone to get a tissue. When Simon returns, he replies, "Ok David, I will cancel the show. Let's talk about this later...I don't want to mess your day up even more. I'll see you later, David."
And then I hear the sound that your phone makes when the other person hangs up on you. I feel my heart break into a thousand shards, shattering and spreading all around me. And I just can't piece them back together. Simon hates me. He sounded so mad. And he's the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't want to lose him! How can I have been so stupid?! He's not just my boyfriend, he's my best friend. My life partner, my soulmate. I want him by my side for the rest of my life. I don't want to lose him now, not like this, not like anything, ever. Even when we are long gone out of this world, I want us to be together. I want to be able to know that even if everything else in my life is falling apart, I still have him. And he loves me with all his heart. But no, I'm me. I never get anything like this. Being David Walliams seems easy. Perfect life, perfect house, perfect family...but it's not. I need him in my life, he's my rock. The one person who I know that no matter what, I can turn to for anything, because I know that he will help me. But I've lost that now, and I don't think i'm getting it back. So as the salty waterfalls run down my face, I don't try to stop them. I embrace them. I taste them on my tongue, and I feel them running down. And I cry for a good while. Because no matter what people say, men cry too.

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