Chapter 10

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They arrive at Louis house in completely silence, Harry gets out of the car and goes around to Louis' side he opens the door and leans down infront of Louis' face.

Louis doesn't notice him at first, daydreaming about what just happened but he breaks out of it when he feels a hand placed on his face, he flinched violently and moves away from the hand, breathing quickly.

Harry pulls his hand away and tries to talk to Louis, 'Louis it's me it's okay Shane's not here he's gone don't worry, we're at your house you're okay now.'

Louis slowly controls his breathing and makes eye contact with Harry, Harry smiles carefully at Louis and slowly moves his hand and places it on his cheek. Louis pushes his face into the hand and grabs it with his own. He starts crying and Harry quickly pulls him in for a hug.

Louis latches on and wraps his legs around his waist, Harry stands up with louis wrapped around him and shuts the door with his knee.

He carries Lou to the front door and unlocks the door with the keys from Louis' pocket and is about to take him upstairs when a woman who looks exactly like Louis appears in the doorway.

'Oh my god, Louis what happened,' Jay says running to her sons side.

'Hi miss Tomlinson, it's nice to meet you, something happened at school and I'll tell you everything in a moment but is there anywhere we can put Louis,' Harry says as polite as he can.

'Yes yes come into the living room and place him on the couch,' Harry follows her to the living room and tries to place Louis on the couch but the boy won't let go so he just sits with the boys in his lap.

Jay watches as the curly haired boy calms down her hysterical son, she wants to know what happened but she also knows that she needs to give the boys some privacy, she heads to the kitchen and starts making tea for the three of them.

When she comes back in, Louis is asleep on the green eyes boys shoulder and the boy is stroking his hair with a concerned look on his face.

'Hello dear, I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name earlier, you can call me Jay,' Jay says placing the tea on the table in front of them, Harry thanks her and starts speaking.

'I'm Harry, I think Louis told you about me but I'm his boyfriend,' Harry says nervous since he's meeting his boyfriends mum for the first time.

'It's lovely to meet you Harry, Louis has told me lots of things about you and seeing what happened just now I can tell that he wasn't lying,' Jay says with a big smile.

'I'm glad to hear that,' Harry says stroking Louis hair while looking at him lovingly.

'I'm very sorry but do you mind if I go put him in bed before we talk, a lot happened today and I don't want to disturb him with our talking,' Harry says politely.

'Of course darling thank you for all of this,' Jay says smiling as Harry picks up Louis bridal style and carries him to his bedroom.

He places Louis on the bed and kisses him on the head, he leaves the room and goes back downstairs where Jay is waiting. He takes a seat and starts talking,

'So yesterday in science and maths, Shane decided to sit near Louis and he said some things, Louis ran off crying and I followed and calmed him down, then we came home, today though when Liam asked if he was okay he said he was but I could tell he wasn't so when we were in English I confronted him about it and he got angry and stormed off to the toilets, I left him there so I could let him calm down and decided to go check on him when he didn't return after 15 minutes and when I got there Shane was... he was sexually assaulting him and Louis was screaming and crying. I pulled him off and beat him but I stopped when Louis stopped me, I comforted him and dressed him and we left and that takes us to now,' Harry says quickly not wanting to repeat it, Jay however listens to every word and is near tears at the end.

'Oh my god my poor baby, where's Shane now,' Jay asks tears building up in her eyes.

'I don't know, when I stopped hitting him I was so focused on Lou and as we were leaving I looked down to see if he was still there and he was gone, I didn't even hear him leave,' Harry says looking down guiltily that he lost Shane.

'It's not your fault Harry, you was helping Lou and I can never thank you enough for it,' Jay says smiling at the boy.

Harry looks up with tears in his eyes, 'it's not that, it's just if I never brought up yesterday and started the argument he would've never gone to the toilet and nothing would've happened, I just wish that I had followed him straight away and protected him but no I was stupid and left him alone and now he's hurting and I dont know what to do to help him,' Harry says, tears streaming down his face by the end of it.

'Sweetie it's not your fault, you did what every partner would do and asked him what was wrong and he got angry so you gave him space, yes something horrible happened while he was alone but you got there before Shane could go the whole way and although Louis is hurting so bad right now, he is forever going to be thankful you got there when you did,' Jay says pulling Harry into a hug when she finishes.

Harry wraps his arms around her and thanks her.

They pull away from the hug and smile at each other. They decide to talk about Harry and Louis' relationship instead of the incident and finish drinking their tea when they hear a shout from upstairs, 'Harry!'

Harry is up straight away and runs to the stairs and up them with Jay following behind at a slightly slower pace.

He reaches Louis' bedroom door and enters the room sighing when he sees the panicking boy on the bed, they make eye contact and Louis reaches out for him.

Harry goes over to Louis and sits infront of him, Louis moves himself onto the boys lap and wraps his arms around his neck and places his head on top of his arm, already calming down now that he's got Harry.

'It's okay baby I'm here, just breathe,' Harry repeats, stroking Louis back until the boy pulls back.

Louis is about to speak when he hears a noise at the door. He looks up at the door and relaxes when he sees his mum,

'Hi mum,' Louis says quietly.

Jay smiles small and walks in and sits next to the two boys on the bed.

She places her hand on Louis' cheek and speaks, 'hi baby.' At that Louis knows that she knows and throws himself at her, just needing some comfort from his mum.

She wraps her arms around the small boy and strokes his hair, 'it's gonna be okay boo, you're gonna be okay,' she says until he pulls away and smiles at her.

He moves to sit on the bed instead of her lap and looks between the two, 'I take it you two have met then,' he says smiling.

'Yeah we have boo and youre right Harry's amazing,' Jay says smiling at Harry and then her son.

'Yeah he is,' Louis says smiling at a blushing Harry.

'You guys are making me blush,' Harry says looking away.

Jay laughs and stands up, 'I'm going to give you boys some privacy,' she kisses Louis head and leaves the room.

The boys sit there in silence, neither of them knowing what to say, until Harry breaks it, 'I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you Lou, I keep promising to protect you and I keep failing and I'm so sorry, I should've followed you as soon as you left the class instead of waiting like an idiot, I should've done something instead of letting him have time to hurt you but I promise you now I'm going to help you through this no matter what, I don't care what it takes I'm helping you through this,' Harry says tears in his eyes as he looks at Louis sincerely.

Louis has tears in his eyes by the time Harry stops talking, he moves forward and places his hand on the boys cheek, he leans forward and rests on his forehead on Harry's. Harry moves his hand to the boys hip and they just hold each other for a few minutes until Louis speaks,

'You don't realise how much you protect me from.'


Hey guys this is a shorter chapter than normal but there should be another update today or tomorrow😁

I love you all so much❤️❤️💕💕💕💕

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