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Song for the Chapter: Take Your Time- Sam Hunt

Tonight is all pretend.

I take her hand in mine, slipping her thin fingers through my larger, calloused one's.

Her blue eyes reflect the smallest amount of light from the moon that shines through my bedroom window.

My cliché brain reminds me just how blue her eyes are, like a warm beach on a summer day. Her eyes remind me of my childhood, of my past and a future that will never happen.

After all, this is just an act.

I know she is scared, I can sense it in the way she breathes and how her eyes never linger on mine for too long.

We both just don't want to be alone tonight. I want to make love to a woman for the first time and she just wants nothing more than the attention.

It's a simple deal honestly.

And I wouldn't want to have anyone but her.

I remember the day I first met Holiday Montgomery. She was just barely fifteen, with straight red hair and bright red lips.

Little tears rolled down her precious cheeks and down onto her navy blue prom dress.

Chase Anderson ditched her for Ami Kong that night. He shoved her away as soon as Ami strutted in with her long, black curly hair and stiletto heels.

Holiday wore Converse. Because that's who she is, and no one accepted Holiday for who she was, at least until I came along.

I was, and still am, a "nerd" I guess. I wear glasses, I study chemistry for fun and I memorize the square root of pie on the weekends.
But trust me, it's all just an act for my over protective parents. They pay for college, I just act like the goody-goody they believe I am.

My life has always been centered around making my filthy rich parents undeniably proud.

But Holiday, her life has been completely different.

I walked up to her that night, in my black and gray tuxedo and black dress shoes.

I tried to ignore her, but it was impossible. Because I hated Holiday from the moment I saw her curled up in that little corner.

Who knew someone so beautiful could cry so ugly?

I remember rolling my eyes and walking over to her, looking down on her like my father always looked down on me.

Pity. Nothing but pure pity.

I sat down next to her and played with my handkerchief until I decided to actually be nice to the poor thing and let her wipe her runny nose with it.

She thanked me and then wiped her eyes, sniffling softly.

I could literally hear her heart break from where I was sitting and I think that struck a cord in me.

A breaking heart would forever be my weakness.

We hung out the rest of the night, sitting in that musty, old hallway while loud music boomed from inside the gymnasium. I made jokes about Chase and Ami just to make her laugh and then took her to get milkshakes.

It was a simple night, but it was a lot of fun. And honestly, I think it was the night that I realized I didn't quite hate Holiday Montgomery.

She might have seemed weak, ugly and a loner at first glance. But there was more to her than what first met the eye.

She was spunky, annoying and had a really cute laugh when it was genuine.

I didn't fall in love with her that night, but she soon turned into a mystery that I was determined to solve.

"Listen, Holiday." I say, breaking out of my thoughts, "This doesn't have to be anything special. We don't need to call each other after and we don't have to wake up with a hangover. I don't want your heart, this is just something to pass time."

She nods and smiles, wrapping our tangled hands behind her back.

"I know. But, I want to...with you."

I smirk and kiss her forehead, rocking us back and forth. I push myself closer to her and kiss her neck, sucking on her honey sweet skin.

I have never done this with anybody, but with Holiday, it's like it all comes so natural.

She makes no sound, she only breathes softly.

I slowly lay her down on my bed and stare into her eyes.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask huskily.

She shivers for a second and then nods.

I slide my hands over hers slowly and interlace them.

"Holiday Montgomery, don't you dare forget this night." I whisper against the skin of her neck.

She sighs and then nods.

"Parker, I-"

"You're not allowed to say that, unless you truly mean it Holiday."

We didn't make love after that. Sex is different from love, and that was what I said to her just before we began. She knew what she wanted and I knew what I wanted.

But after, now that's when I started to go insane.

It was supposed to be just a simple deal, an act, it was all pretend.

But that morning, as I laid awake in bed alone, I was more drunk than I had ever been in my life.

Funny thing was, I never even had a sip of alcohol. It was just a shot of Holiday Montgomery, and I was for sure hungover.

Alright guys! This is the first chapter :) So, let me know what you think, I have already started Chapter Two and I am really excited for it!! Comment below and love for all my readers <3

This chapter is dedicated to MaybeJustHotAir lesley2812 and SocialDeath <333 You guys are awesome! Thanks for the help!!

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