12 years after she graduated from Class-E. 12 years after the death of Kuro-sensei, Karna Akabane, the twin sister of Karma Akabane became an assassin working along side Karasumasensei and Bitch-sensei.
After the death of her twin brother and her be...
That was the only thing I coud think of when I looked at myself in the mirror after the whole drama with me brawling my eyes out like an idiot happened.
Especially when my brother had no clue whatsoever of what I talked about.
I don't know how it happened but I somehow returned 12 years before it all happened. 12 years before all my close friends died.
And it was this year when Koro-sensei and the assassination classroom was still alive.
Opening the doors of the classroom, the usual scene unfold us. Everything was like 12 years ago, like when al we had to worry about was assassination and studying and not all the grown up stuff.
I miss this. The aura. The everyday scene in the classroom. I smiled sadly myself.
"Ohayo Karma~ Ohayo Karna~" Kaede waved at us along with Nagisa sitting behind her.
My eyes widened and swelled as I see them smiling happily and alive right in front of me.
"Oh no, she's starting it again," Karma walked past me and towards both of them.
"What happened?" Nagisa asked, as he turned to look at Karma who stood behind him.
Kaede gasped "Oh Karna! What happened to your eyes? Why are they so poufy?" She rushed towards to me to take a closer look at my eyes.
"Well," I rubbed the back of my head and looked away,avoiding their curious stares.
"The lil' b*tch had a nightmare~" Karma pouted his lips, wiping the sides of his face dramatically.
"When I woke her up, she was cring in her bed like a lITtLe BaBy~" he imitated a crying baby's cry and pretended to suck his thumb like a child he is.
How childish are his mockeries and jokes. I rolled my eyes.
"It must have been a horrible nightmare seeing that you cried from it Karna," Nagisa looked at me sadly, unlike my brother...
"And that's not the worst part," his face then shifted from his usual smug face into a disgusted one.
He pointed at me and pretended to gag.
"She...hugged me." He said it as if it was the worst thing he had ever said in his entire life.
They both looked suprised and turned to look at me with their mouths agaped and eyes widened in disbelief.
"Did that really happen?" Nagisa asked me with a smile that's clearly amused.
"It must have been a terrible dream, right Karna-san," she waved innocently but she looked like she would burst out laughing any minute.
I glared at my brother before answering. "You didn't have to tell them about that."
Shrugging with a sly smirk,he said, "Why miss an important detail?"
An irritated smile grew on my face, annoyed by the fact that he clearly took this opportunity and used this to blackmail me.
On other occasions, I would have place thumb tacs his seat.
But for now, because I missed him too much. I'll let it slide. Just this once.
Let's hope he does not test this.
I sighed in total defeat and shook my head.
A large explosion interrupted me from behind. Dust mixed with the wind blew into our classroom as we shielded it with our arms and hands.
Behind us, a familiar yellow-head appeared holding a huge missile on his right arm. He waved at us with his usual smile plastered on his face.
"Nehehehe. Ohayo everyone~" he greeted everyone as my heart ached upon hearing his voice.
He looked well like he had not been killed by us. He is still living, not in our memories but right in front of us.
My face twitched and heat started to rise to my face. I bit my quivering lips to the point where I could taste a metallic substance in my mouth and looked away.
I looked back at him and closed my eyes just in time before the tears started to fall.
"Ohayo Koro-sensei," Smiling, I bowed before reaching for the gun hidden under my skirt and shot him.
In a blink of an eye, he invaded it and grinned. I smirked, internally thanking whoever gave me this chance to experience this again.
"A little too slow Karna," He walked towards the center of the room, leaning against the tentacles that were on his desk and held a chalk with the other.
"Now, let's begin our morning classes, shall we?"
"And that's it for today," Everyone groaned in their seats and some even collapsed in their seats in exhaustion.
I zoned out in most of the classes. I finally adapted to this nostalgic situation but my thoughts are still all over the place.
I needed time to adjust my thinking but not in this classroom.
I sighed and stood up. The noises in the classroom didn't help the poundings of worries and stress in my head.
Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I strode my way out to the door but a hand on my shoulder stopped on the way.
"Where do you think you're going?" Karna asked as I looked at him over my shoulder.
My face probably looked puzzled to him seeing him sigh in disappointment. "Seriously idiot, where's your head been today?"
He let go of me and shook his head. Walking away, he turned his head back a me and said,
"We have to discuss our next assassination."
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