How our lives changed

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~Alexandra~ 6 months later

I was training with my mom dad and the pack, luckily I was accepted for me, with being a hybrid I had to show I was no danger and I wasn't, although my craving for blood was harder to control but it was getting better. Iv never or will ever kill a human for blood. I only use blood bags or animal blood.

I'd now realised my feelings for Michael were love, I was madly In love with the witch more then anything I'd ever felt, I soon realised my feelings for Blade were just infatuation probably because he was a sexy vampire, but now I'll have a fight on my hands to protect my son from the beast.

My life had changed, I lived with Michael and Ambrose in our own little Apartment in New Orleans .Olivia lived next door and was 5 months pregnant with Dylan's baby, everyone was baffled because she's a vampire but we found it because she's a heretic she can still conceive which I'm absolutely over the moon about, they are planning a wedding due to he married after the baby is born. Everyone's life is exciting. Violet stayed become best friends with Holly who is dating Lillian Olivias sister.

The fight continues to bring down blade Alexis...

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