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Sitting on the wooden floor with his arms crossed, Kazuha just stared wholes in the air since a few hours after not getting much sleep with the circumstances he was in — not that he needed much time to rest anyways, but a lot of questions wandered through his head, what was kinda tiring as well. A long sigh escaped his lips as Kazuha closed his eyes, hearing the footsteps of Miya approaching him as he looked up at the old lady who was looking at the wooden door of the house a bit further in front of them.

"Yare Yare, she's always taking her sweet time"

The female said, obviously talking about you being late as always. But to be honest, Miya could sense that something was off. Kazuha was patiently waiting for you to finally show up because recently, he had way too much time to think about everything that would happen from now on. The white haired male wasn't exactly sure why you were trying to help him, even though your only goal in life was supposed to be to catch the likes of Kazuha so they would be punished. He couldn't understand why you took the risk of being abandoned by you own clan just for helping someone you just met a day ago.

Kazuha was a kind-hearted person from the day of his birth on and he didn't wanted you to pay for his so called 'sins' and help him to be free even with the knowledge that the both of you were basically enemies.

'What should I do... Tomo?"

It wasn't even a week since Kazuha's best friend was trying to defeat the Raiden Shogun all by himself and well, we all know how this battle ended. Kazuha looked down at his bandaged arm as he remembered the stinging pain of Tomo's vision burning down his hand all too well, moving his fingers a bit to see if they could move properly again and surprisingly, they did.

Another sigh escaped his mouth while Kazuha closed his eyes again, still debating about literally everything as suddenly the wooden door of the small house was slammed open, finally revealing you as Kazuha looked up in surprise, seeing that you were totally out of breath with the hands resting on you knees just before you ran over to Kazuha, grabbed his left arm while Miya just threw a bag and a sword in its scabbard over at you that you caught with the other hand before you dragged the poor male, who didn't even knew what was going on, out of the house.

"Thanks O bāchan! Bye O bāchan!"

"Hai Hai"

Miya lazily said, waving a bit as you had already left the house in a hurry while the old lady could watch how at least ten people were chasing after you, yelling at you to stop running.

"Do what you need to do, ( Y/N )"


"W- What is going on?"

Kazuha asked as he was now running right behind you, looking back for a moment to see all the people coming after you — each of them carrying more weapons than a single person could ever wield at once.

"Well you see, that fucking dumbass of a clan decided that I will count as a criminal by now as well since I helped a few escaping in the past"

You shortly explained while still running towards the big gate of the village that seemed to close slowly.

"Ahh shit"

You exclaimed, seeing the wooden gate that was now almost reaching the ground as you grabbed Kazuha's arm once more and jumped forward — sliding under the sharp ends of the tree trunks that the gate was made of before it finally completed closed just as the two of you were now on the other side of the wall.

You were laying on the ground, heavily panting as your arms were stechen out to the side while you tried to calm down from all the adrenaline rushing through your veins. Kazuha's breath was a bit heavy as well, but not that bad as your as he sat in front of you, trying to process what the hell just happened.

"So your— your saying that one of the three commissions decided that you are now basically a criminal as well, just because you sometimes freed others from here so that they wouldn't be punished, am I getting this right?"

Kazuha asked, wanting to make sure that what he understood was correct after he caught his breath as you nodded at his question and sat up as well, looking at the male to see his reaction.

Just to get a blank face in return.

"Well... That sucks"

"No shit Sherlock"

Kazuha slightly sweat-dropped at this before the sound of the wooden gate being opened again rang through your ears, causing you to immediately stand up again.

"Hurry up!"

You called as Kazuha was quick to follow suit, following you in the thick forest.

You called as Kazuha was quick to follow suit, following you in the thick forest

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