Eleven | Keychain

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I plop back first, onto my bed, letting out a frustrated groan.

I seemed overall positive about this blank ranking mishap at school. But now at home I am probably going to cry myself to sleep tonight. Okay, not literally but I sure feel like doing that.

Is it that hard to type out a number one and two onto a transcript then go on with life?

Obviously not when you have a principal who leads a high school but is afraid of teenagers. What are we going to do? Chase him around like a chihuahua until he fixes this problem. Hell no. Though the thought makes me laugh a bit too loud.

"Who are you laughing at?" Delaney comes into my room after grabbing my sheet music from her house. I shake my head, letting the topic slide. "Well," she sits down next to me patting my head like I am a child, "My brother is ranting to my dad and I swear it is the funniest thing ever. My dad looks like he wants to leave asap."

All of a sudden we have another friend from the friend group coming into my room. Atlas holds a key chain in his hand with his face screaming disbelief. "Why the hell did your parents buy this for my dad?"

#1 daddy

Oh God. I remember this thing way too well. We were too little to understand what that meant but this is hilarious.

Back when their parents were teenagers they went to Quebec together. Julian bought a red heart keychain with the saying #1 daddy on it. Anneliese told everyone but Atlas that they were planning on paying Julian back.

Delaney take the keychain out of his hand and swings it around her finger. "They seriously went through with it?" She asks herself before giving it back to him. "Make sure to tell my parents thank you."

"Has your dad seen it yet?" I ask and Atlas shakes his head no. I sit up and motion to Delaney to stand too.

"I was in the Reids house next to Dakota and then Anneliese handed this to me."

I bit the bottom of my lip, not cracking a smile while Delaney is laughing her ass off at Atlas' lost face. "Come on. We will go with you to show your dad. You will understand very soon."

We run out of my house and quickly get to the Dubois' house. When we enter there is already a pack full of people. A pack full meaning the twins parents and Atlas'. Anneliese turns around when the door accidentally shuts a bit too loud.
"There it is! At, show your dad."

He slowly holds the keychain up and Julian's face is beyond priceless. Atlas tosses the souvenir across the hallway and Julian barely catches it. When he gains a good grip on it he exames it.

"The saying aged well." Julian says, causing the house to shake in a light laugh. "A bit too well."

Their parents start talking about the trip and we slip out of the house. This Friday afternoon is nothing compared to what I felt like earlier this morning. Everything is slowly hitting me and I can sense what is going to happen.

A situation like this has happened only once and it was three years ago. Dakota came home and filled me in with what happened. Of course, being a freshman he was being nosy and was eavesdropping onto the Seniors conversation at the lunch table.

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