Prologue Part 1

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On a nice day in Musutafu, Japan, the (Last/Name) family decided to take their seven year old son, (Your/Name), to the local park.  Once they arrived, (Y/N) ran ahead once he saw his friends, Ace and Sabo, who were both ten years old.

(Y/N): "Ace! Sabo!"



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((A/N): I couldn't find any better pictures)

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((A/N): I couldn't find any better pictures)

Ace and Sabo: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N) stretched his arms forward towards his close friends, even though they were still at least 20 feet away from him. (Y/N) was using his quirk, well ONE of his quirks, in a very unlikely turn of events, (Y/N) turned out to have inherited BOTH of his parents' quirks, but we'll go over that later. The quirk that (Y/N) was using was called "Rubber Body", it was a mutant type quirk that gave his entire body the same properties as rubber, yep, his whole body, literally every square inch, both inside and out, if he drank from a hose for too long his body would inflate like a water balloon, but we're getting off track.

Once (Y/N)'s arms each wrapped around Ace and Sabo's waists, he jumped towards them and using the elastic pull of his arms, rocketed towards them at a concerning speed.

Ace: "(Y/N) wait a second!"

Sabo: "No (Y/N) stop!"

(Y/N) crashed into them in a big puff of smoke. When the smoke settles, the three friends were in a pile together. (Y/N) had a big goofy smile on his face, being unfazed because, well, being made of rubber means that it takes a lot to hurt him, meanwhile Ace and Sabo were less then pleased that a boy shaped rocket tackled them to the ground. After a second the other two soon shared (Y/N)'s smile and all three of them laughed their butts off.

(Dad's/Name): *tick mark* "(Y/N)! You need to be more careful! If someone saw you using your quirk then you'd be in serious trouble, both from the police and from me!

(Mom's/Name): "Aww c'mon (D/N), he's still a kid let him live a little shishishishi!" (yes, that's how she laughs)

(D/N): "I'm not gonna raise our child the same way your father raised you!"

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