chapter 10

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 Ganyu's pov

"Hi are you okay, why are you all wet? Also, are you sick, you're shivering like crazy and you look like you are about to explode. I've got an extra jacket if you would like." I said

She just looked at me with eyes I couldn't read; they seemed so filled with emotion. Red-faced she just stared. Her breath was uneven, she clenched her fist then looked down at them, I didn't look away though. My mouth tried to open but nothing came out, why? Next thing she was running in the opposite direction from me as fast as I've ever seen her run. The jacket I held out in my left hand fell down as I put my hand down.

Did I do something wrong? The last time I saw her she looked so excited... Maybe everything was going too fast, maybe she thought that the"date" we went on was too much, maybe she didn't wanna be friends, maybe she never even liked to be, maybe she just thought I was annoying. I couldn't read her look, her eyes.

It wouldn't be that big of a deal if she though that anyway. That thought, honestly, could be the biggest lie I've told myself. I gave a frustrated long sigh and decided to get back to work. Contemplating about whatever just happened isn't productive; I should just go back to work, yeah.

I continued walking over to the home office. I had just awakened from my afternoon nap. So, it was probably just my brain exaggerating things, I was definitely still just sleepy. The nap was just messing with my head. Getting confused and My brain is still stuck in a loop, like a rusty old record player. Till I walked into my office and sat back down on my neat desk. My paper stack always sat there. Almost leaping with a wide grin I went back to paperwork.

The clean desk was so nice. Kept me distracted, all the work. My biggest hobby actually, that's why I wake up at five. Getting back to work felt so nice, I could help others. It's my duty as an Adeptis to be useful, of course. Twilight's soft glow hit my face through the window, informing me it was about time I headed back.

Tucking in my chair then, skimming through the worklist on my wall to make sure I had finished all my work I walked through my door. The walk back was standard, And I settled back home.

Unfortunately, the moment the silence sank into my skin Y/n popped back into my mind. I sat on my bed hugging my knees. I played with the bit of the skin on the edge of my nails. What was that look even about? Yeah, I had already thought that I knew.

The next few days were not as obscure. That didn't make it easier though I still felt exactly the same and still had no answers. Why couldn't I just ask...


Focus on you, my brain told me and I went back to work. I looked up at the ceiling giving myself a needed moment.

getting up because I need to go to work. I grin a little excited and skip my way back to the office. My brain is so confused for no reason, why don't I just ask what happened... Where is she anyway? My brain stayed occupied the rest of my way back... again. I speed up the stairs to my office ready to go back into my routine-

"Ganyu you're just the person I was looking for!" A voice said behind me I flipped myself back and,


She stood with a wide smile, but her eyes looked worried like something had happened. I recently gave her some relationship advice I have no idea who for. but still,

"Did something happen with uh your..."

"Girlfriend" she finished for me.

"Actually this is about a friend," there was a pause of silence from her nose.

frozen love// Ganyu x fem reader (short story)Where stories live. Discover now