xxxvi. bite your tongue

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036. bite your tongue.

AFTER THE SURPRISE ENCOUNTER FROM EVAN AND LUCA, Eden needed to get her head straight before thrusting herself into a plan that could potentially end with someone dying. She trudged through the woods, her boots crushing the dried leaves and sticks beneath her harshly as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Stupid brother, stupid Luca, stupid men," she mumbled, expecting no one to be around to hear her comments.

"Ouch, I hope that doesn't include me," a voice spoke from the side of her. Eden sighed and turned to face Isaac, mockingly tilting her head as she scoffed.

"Especially you," she teased. Isaac chuckled before moving to walk beside her, and they continued on their way.

"Mind telling me what happened?" He asked after a moment of silence.

After knowing her for some time, Isaac discovered Eden wasn't one to talk about her feelings. Her entire life her parents had forced upon her the belief that emotions made you weak - especially when you're a powerful hybrid with a reputation to uphold. Yet, if asked the right question, or by the right person, she'd talk; she'd be careful with what she said, in attempts to not say too much, but she'd confide. And it was enough to see where her head was at.

Eden pursed her lips before replying. "I ran into Luca and Evan. Well, more like they followed me and cornered me," she answered, catching Isaac's attention. The beta frowned, his worry spiking. From the minor descriptions Eden had given him of the two boys, he had grown to hate them. How they could be so cruel as to hurt Eden, both physically and emotionally, was beyond his comprehension. The brunette had been nothing but a miracle in his own ruined past, and it hurt him to watch as someone she once saw as her own miracle, became the very thing trying to destroy her. "They're planning something. I don't know what, but whatever it is, it can't be good," she added, her thoughts racing.

Isaac stopped in his tracks, soon followed by Eden as she turned to face him with furrowed brows. "You can't fight them alone, Eden. I know you'll try, but you can't." The heretic chewed on her cheek as she avoided eye contact. "You don't have to do anything on your own anymore. You have me - you have Derek, Stiles, Allison - you've got all of us. And we're not going anywhere."

"I know . . ." she said quietly. She wanted to believe him, she did. But being alone for years, and facing more betrayal as her eternal life went on, had her mind being clouded with the idea that she was alone. "But this is my battle to fight."

Isaac sighed and shook his head, stepping closer to the girl. "It's not though. I know Evan and Luca are your business, I get that. But it's not just your town that they're endangering. And they're hurting you, which means it sure as hell includes all of us."

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