Chapter 19: Final Battle (Ozpin)

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(Upon arriving, both the Mandalorians and Insurgency Salem give the update on what's going on in the Injustice universe to Ozpin. The scene changes to where both Ozpin and Mandalorian are checking the monitor screen regarding the current situations and planning on what to do next, with Insurgency Salem joining while Insurgency Mandalorian is just pacing around behind, thinking of something.)

Ozpin: We need to get started. Innocent people are dying.

Mandalorian: We'll take the others so you can focus on their Ozpin.

Salem (Insurgency): We'll do it together. It'll prevent more casualties. Then my Ozpin. The Hound's going to be tricky.

Mandalorian: Collateral Damage.

Ozpin: I'll have to force that fight elsewhere.

(Then they turn to Insurgency Mandalorian.)

Ozpin: Anything else?

(Insurgency Mandalorian finally stops thinking and decides to tell what he has been thinking at Ozpin.)

Mandalorian (Insurgency): I realize this isn't entirely accurate. But it's good to have you back.

(Back at Kamino, Riku's losing to Regime Xehanort while Anti-Riku keeps swinging his Keyblade at Ironwood as he keeps dodging it. Ironwood manages to attack him with his Due Process while Regime Pyrrha uses her semblace to stop him but Anti-Riku uses his energy power to break free. Ironwood was going to shoot him again but Regime Killer Frost freezes his gun and was accompany by Regime Hazel as both tries to attack him, but Regime Ironwood shoots both down. While Namor is battling Regime Hawkman, Regime Reverse Flash decides to usehis speed and runs to attack Namor. Just as he was going to punch him, someone manages to stop him as everyone stop to see Ozpin's arrival.)

Ozpin: That's enough, Reverse Flash! I suggest you to go back to your own timeline.

(Regime Reverse Flash refuses as he tries to attack him but gets shoved away to the streets. He resorts to  a distance attack, but Ozpin shoves him away again.)

Reverse Flash (Regime): You are weak, hero! Your timeline suffers with it.

(Reverse Flash tries again, but no avail.)

Reverse Flash (Regime): You have no future here!

(Reverse flash tries some Zig Zag tactics, but it also proves to be in vain as Ozpin slashes his left leg.)

Reverse Flash (Regime): My Ozma modeled his government after mine in 25th Century. Rebels have no future!

(Both battle each other out as Ozpin doesn't flinch despite the many attacks from Regime Reverse Flash. He tries to use his speedforce again but Ozpin was way quicker than Reverse Flash.)

Ozpin: I pity this world's Salem.

Reverse Flash (Regime): I pity nobody!

(Finally Thawne decides to grab him, but this too fails as Ozpin pierces his arm ,head-butts him and takes him down.)

Ozpin: Your evil must end.

(Regime Reverse Flash doesn't give up and tries to attack him again but Ozpin slashes him various times, making Thawne go limp and fall down.)

Ozpin: This will hold you long enough.

(Suddenly, he was attacked by Regime Xehanort's giant blast. This causes everyone to stop fighting as Regime Xehanort laughs in delight. Then he goes to check while accompained by Anti-Riku.)

Xehanort (Regime): Not so legendary, was he?

(Suddenly, someone taps on Regime Xehanort's shoulder. Xehanort knew he's still alive and decides to punch him but the moment he turns around to attack the Incarnation of Ozma, Ozpin manages to grab his hand. He twists Xehanort's hand so he can throw his χ-blade away, leaving the powerless Xehanort before turning to Anti-Riku.)

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