going home..

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I woke up feeling completely weight less,looking at my hands,my skin was blue

I looked out into space,I realized,I wasn't who I use to be anymore..
Every part of my normal skin and hair just turned different shades of blue.

"Your highness? I see your awake,how are you feeling?" Said the man in a futuristic suit sitting in a chair.

"I feel completely light..I don't even know why I look like this.."I said looking at my hands once again.

"I guess you don't know much about yourself,I understand your confused,take a look in the mirror your highness"he said pointing towards a long mirror.

When I looked in the mirror,I had elf ears,blue eyes and my face was blue..
I stepped back from the mirror with tears in my eyes

I was speechless at what I saw in the mirror

"Please calm down your highness,I will explain everything to you soon,just try to relax"the man said putting his hands gently on my shoulders.

"I...I'm scared..I need a few minutes to calm down please" I said looking at him with tears of fear.

"Apologies for not introducing myself,my name is valfervere,I'm the head butler at arcloo castle"valfervere said bowing.

"I..I don't know what my name is"i said about to freak out.

"Your name is fiona,princess fiona of the fare-obidient district"valfervere said helping me put my royal attire on.

"What will happen to me valfervere?"I asked looking scared.

"Nothing bad I assure you,we're just going back to arcloo transit,we'll be arriving soon" valfervere said putting my headdress on my head

Me and valfervere went to the control   area of the ship and saw four people,they looked like my family members.

"May I present to you,princess fiona of the fare-obidient district"valfervere  announced walking into the room

I walked in and everyone looked at me,even my family.

My father gave me a stern look and then continued looking straight ahead

"To think I have a young daughter as my successor.." my father said looking down at me.

"Fergus stop!that was rude"my mother said glaring at him.

"Did I say something rude fenisha?"he asked in a rude tone.

"Yes you did"my mother said look at him with a rude glare

My mother looked down at me and smiled.

"You'll do great things fiona,I know you will" my mother said putting her arms around me.

I stood there shaking and quivering with anxiety.i was so confused about all of this. Hopefully everything will come to pass.

We arrived at the arcloo transit,everything was so futuristic and dark.

"It looks very beautiful" I said looking around.

"Arcloo was created to look this way,our ancestors took great care of this city..and so should we"valfervere said looking up at the ceiling.

When we went on the arcloo military ship,we traveled around the city.

It looked so blue and the lights were so bright.

"We're half way to the castle your graceses"the driver said pointing ahead.

I looked ahead and saw such an amazing site of the arcloo castle.
It looked like something I saw in a dream.

When the ship landed.i walked out feeling very nervous,and then I saw a woman who also looked similar to me
Approached us with a warm welcome.
Soon we all bowed to her.

The woman looked at me with a smile.

"Relax child,your tensing like a wilback"she said warming my hands.

I looked up at her and realized that..she was my grandmother..

"Welcome home my dear family,I'm very pleased to see you,we'll be having our annual earth 2 dinner party soon,please be ready"my grandmother said with a smile.

As we went inside the castle,the maids escorted me to my bedroom.

EARTH 2: BATTLE OF THE DISTRICTS Where stories live. Discover now