[The Call]

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Wait a minute.

It's Michael! You of all people would know him when you saw him. He continued to step towards the man.

Michael and the attacker went out of view as your darkening peripheral vision was blocking you from seeing much other than what was in front of you.

Struggling to get up was the only thing you could try. It took a few tries of wobbling arms, falling, wobbling arms, falling and falling over and over. After about 6 or 7 tries though, you managed to get enough irritation of wanting to get up, that you did!

You could barely stand, so you knelt down on both knees, waiting to gain a little more strength. Vision started to return and you could see the man running from Michael down the road. Now was the time to go! Michael's distracted and you could try to coward at home.

But what if he came back and saw you were gone? Would he try to hurt you then? You knew practically nothing of this 'shapes' temper and it would be dumb to test it. You very obviously didn't want to stay there, but what if it was the only option of living?

As the pro's and con's of staying or leaving are settled in your mind, you decide to stay. You do go back into the slightly hidden alleyway, the one you were violently attacked in. It was damp and disgusting. Trash surrounded you, filling your senses with a lost memory of when you were little. Your biological mothers home was a wreck. Trash everywhere, and always there. Sometimes you couldn't even see her floor. What a poor soul.

While swimming in lost thoughts, your train of thought is immediately stopped when a huge figure stands in front of you.


"M-Michael..!" You say involuntarily. Goddammit. You didn't mean to let that slip. You sounded scared. You didn't want to show or express any fear. Not to impress him, far from it actually. It's just I case if this man can smell your fear and would stab you right there and then because of this simple human emotion. It was frankly a silly idea. Someone hurting you because you were scared of them, even though it was entirely possible, sadly enough.


He tilts his head at the small frame below him. Curious on the slight yelp of his name coming from you. Truly strange, this person. They came in and out of focus despite being in a completely dangerous situation.

Why am I struggling to kill them? My body is frozen. I just... can't stop looking down at them. I hate this. I definitely don't feel vulnerable, but this feeling is new. I don't... I don't like it.

I know we had a fair trade in place, but this would be a very easy fight. What could they do, really? Flail and swing at me only to be too weak? Or try and run. Run to where though?


Why is he just staring at me...?

You start to stand up, the wall being your main support. A huge burst of pain rushes through you. Your adrenaline had died down and now the blood gushing from the side of your head was getting to you.

The head that rested upon your shoulders and being supported by the wall, dripped down a crimson fluid and onto the brick wall where you were assaulted. Trying to get any amount of pain to pass, you desperately try to grab onto anything. The wall, a trash lid? Anything. Well, that wasn't entirely true when you ended up grabbing the wrist of your previous attacker, one hand on the undamaged side of your head. The other hand now squeezing tightly onto the figure's wrist.

After the epiphany of you grabbing onto his wrist might end you being six feet under, you quickly let go.

"I-I'm sorry... my head just.. hurts so so bad.." You manage to groan out. You were in anguish the past few days, and this really wasn't helping you anymore.

Is This Real Life? (Michael Myers x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now