Our Real Infinity

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Words: 3995

3rd person: 

Adam dances on his skateboard, through the street, and in the rain. He arrives at a suit store. Adam swings open the double doors to find a person with a beard sitting, and sewing something.

The man looks at Adam a bit fearfully and says “Hello.” The man then recognizes the blue haired person, and says “Sorry, the rains getting-.”  

Adam cuts him off “I need an outfit tailored” Adam’s clothes were covered in dirt. 

The man tells Adam “Unfortunately we only work on suits sir.” 

Adam: “I have a once in a lifetime event coming up. I need proper etier.”

The man a bit flustered says “I see, is it a wedding by chance?” 

Adam: “It’s not, but you know-.” Adam goes on to explain what he wants.    

The man looks at Adam terrified about what he just heard. Lighting strikes the ground from the outside. 

*at the skateboard shop* 

As Reki cuts through some paper he says to Langa “Can you believe it's happening? You’re going against Adam.” 


Langa stopped sweeping for a second and said “I know…” 

Reki: “Do you have a strategy yet? You’ll need one.” 

Langa sighs “Do you know why Adam got into skating?” 

Reki looks back up at Langa concerned “HUH. I have never thought about it.” 

Langa then turns to Reki “I heard he was alone for a long time.” 

Reki moves around the board he is working on. “It makes sense with the personality he has.”  

Langa sighs “Anyways I was just wondering.”  

Reki then states smiling at Langa “I guess he just started because it was fun. I mean there's not really any other reason to get into it right?” 

Langa looks at Reki with big eyes, and smiles “That’s true.” 

*at police office*  

Kiriko slams down a bunch of papers on the police HQ chief’s desk.   

Kiriko then angrily states “This is what you call a search warrant. Which means I have full access to Shindo’s estate.” 

*on the road* 

As Joe drives behind the car that everyone else is in. 

Miya: “Your injuries healed suspiciously fast.” 

Shadow states “I can’t sleep my life away in a hospital”  

Cherry agrees, “Amen to that.” 

Shadow then goes on “So do we think Langa can win this thing?”  

Miya: “I thought he did pretty well in that race the other day.” 

Cherry tells them “But Adam wasn’t fully invested then” 

Miya looks shocked “What do you mean?” 

Shadow: “You guys have probably seen him skate at his max a lot.” 

Cherry as a response “Nope not one time. He has never felt the need to go out of his way to prove himself to anyone” Cherry grips the wheel harder. 

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