Chapter 10

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Kai's POV

Well, a fuck up was in the waiting, Of course I had to kiss her. Especially moan in her mouth like a fucking pimp.

"Look, Jess i don't know what you heard, but i didn't say shit" I laugh in her face.

"Your messing with me, I heard you." she takes a step back, folding her arms. Being honest, shes sexy as hell.

"Whatever toots your horn, if you get off by imagining me moaning at your touch, so be it" i sarcastically put my arms up in defeat.

I begin walking away, thinking I got the last word, but some things will never change about Jess. Especially her feistiness. "Why'd you kiss me?" she almost yells, causing me to snap my head in her direction. I say nothing, just simply smirk at her.

"You kissed me for a reason, what is it?" she begins edging towards me. "Look Jess, i'm a horny man, besides not getting much action from Bonnie nowadays." I laugh. "So you think it's okay to cheat on her?" Jess questions.  "That kiss was not one sided, and you know it" i wink at her. "And you, my friend just cheated on Jake"

Her expression forms from a frown into pure anger. "Afraid I'm gonna tell Jake?" I mock. Winding her up gives me pure joy. "Kai i swear to fucking god" she's now up in my face, yelling. "Well then, this meeting will continue to happen, behind Bonnie and Jakes back" i smirk, running my index finger around the waist line of her joggers. "Fuck you Kai, honestly" she grabs my wrist, still yelling.

Fuck Jake and his little compulsion secret. "You didn't mind fucking me 2 years ago, did you?" I run my free hand through her hair. "Excuse me?" she yells, 10x louder. "Yeah, use to ride me like a pony"I wink. Without a warning, her hand collides with my face, leaving a light burning tingle sensation on my cheek. Feisty.

I grab her neck with one hand, and her arm with another. I vamp speed her up against a wall. "You will not fucking hit me, ever!" i shout in her face, tightening my grip around her neck. "Let go!" she screeches, struggling to breath. "Say it!" I shout even louder, waiting for her cooperation. She remains gasping for breath, looking at me with pleading eyes. I feel my upper lip begging to twitch, out of pure anger. "SAY IT!" I shout, one final time. As i feel my fangs ripping out of my gums, and the veins bulging from under my eyes. Fear builds in her eyes, then she finally spits it out. "I won't..." she stutters, between gasps. "I won't hit you" she repeats.

As i let go of her neck, she immediately collapses. I'll admit, it would've been funny letting her fall, but i decided on catching her. I grab under both arms, trying to stabilise her unconscious body. Once i lean her against the wall one more time, i lean forward the. throwing her over my shoulders.

Jess's POV

I wake up, with a ache in my neck. As i try sitting up i feel some sort of restraint around my waist. I lift up the blanket, revealing an arm snaked around my wait. Took me a moment to realise, this isn't mine and Jakes bedroom. From what i see, without moving it appears to be a trashy motel room. I guess Kai is the one who brought me here, as he is the one who choked me to the point i fell unconscious. The ache is only growing worse by the second, so i gently peel the hand i guessed to be Kai's from around my wait. As i finally lifted up he unexpectedly grips on again, and pulls me against his bare chest, and against something else that seems to be poking my ass...

"Going so soon?" he whispers huskily into my ear. Now THAT gave me butterflies. "Kai i needa get home" i groan. He sits up straight, letting go of me. "Fine, but i'll give you all the answers" I turn to face him utterly confused. "Cmon then, sit up" he signals. As i sit up straight, he grabs the pendant on the necklace Jake gave me. He winces at the touch. "Vervain" he groans. "Would you do the honours or should i ?" he glances between me and the necklace. I say nothing, except give him a nod. Without a warning, he rips it off my neck. "OW WHAT THE FUCKKK" I whine. "Sorry chick, vervain" he winks.

"Your gonna remember all of this, your also gonna remember the compulsion I placed of you last year, Jakes orders. Your gonna remember me and you we're together, we were happy. Until I fucked up badly, then Jake made you forget me and you ever had a thing" Kai's voice says harshly. I physically cannot bring myself to look away from him, i feel drawn to his gaze somehow. But its not the compulsion.

Then i'm hit with all the memories. I drop to the ground, holding my head. I try my best not to scream but my head is gradually filing with all the memories. Kai just stands, watching me awkwardly as i sit there in extreme pain. I hold my hand out for his support. He hesitantly take my hand into his mind, then comes to sit behind me, laying me between his legs. "This hurts so fucking bad!" I whisper shout, tears streaming down my face. "I know, I know" Kai whispers, kissing the back of my head. "You will get through this, deep breaths baby" he cooes. I do as he says, laying there in pure agony. That was until one of our phones begin buzzing. "Can I get it?" Kai whispers. "Yeah" I groan, trying to get to my feet. He gets up behind me before rushing to the bedside table.

"It's Bonnie" he looks at me.

"Are you gonna answer?" i question, rubbing my temples.

"Kitten, where are you?" I hear Bonnie moan on the other end of the call.

I cringe at her pet name for Kai. "I'm out" Kai groans.

"Come home, I'm bored" Bonnie moans again, in an attempt to seduce him. I don't want him to leave, i know it's selfish. Him and Bonnie are engaged. But i just want a few more hours before we have to go back to the way it use to be. "I got to go, be home later" Kai says, immediately hanging up the call. I can't help but smile, head still pounding, but he wants to stay with me too. "I'm gonna stay a little longer, to make sure your okay" he comes towards me, as if he's reading my mind. Kiss me Kiss me Kiss me Kiss me, all was going through my head. He comes closer, and closer. Then he whispers in my ear, "Bonnie means nothing to me" he huskily whispers. "Kiss me" i wince, low toned.

"You want me to?" he questions, moving his hand towards between my legs. "Y-yes" i stutter at his touch. "You want me?" he further questions. This teasing, i can't take it. I grab the back of his head, pulling him in for a kiss. As i lay back, further on to the bed Kai parts my legs, pushing himself onto me. He moves his hand to my waist band, then begins going lower, and lower.

"Jess?!" I hear someone yell.

Kai seems to hear it too, jumping off me. "Invisique" he murmurs.Now he's gone.

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