Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers

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"Mom Dustin and I are heading to Mike's now!" I say going for the door. "Ok Charlie but please be careful-" "Don't worry mom I won't- I mean will." I say. "Charlie." She glared. "Kidding. We will thanks mom" I chuckled.

"Hey guys we're here." We say. "Took you two long enough" Lucas says. "Hey cut us some slack my mom is over protective." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway is it ready?" I ask. "Yes Charlie the great it is." Will says dramatically. "Thank you for telling me Will the wise." I chuckled.

[10 hours later] 

"Something's coming...Something hungry for blood." Mike says. "What is it?" Will asks. "It's the demogorgan oh shit we're so screwed if it's the demogorgan." Dustin panicked. "Calm down Dustin it's not the demogorgan" I say. "It's the demogorgan!" Mike shouts.

"Shit no!" Lucas shouts. "Told you." Dustin says sticking out his tongue. "Oh shut up." I say. "Will your action!" Mike shouts. "I don't know!?" Will shouts. "Fireball him!" lucas shouts. "You have to roll a 13 or higher!" He shouts. "Charlie Help me out!" He yelled. "W-Why me!?" I glare. "Well will it be good if I roll a 13 or no" "Uhh.... take a risk in Life or D&D life!" I shout. "Ok! Fireball!" he yelled, before the dice fell off the table.

"Shit where the fuck did it go!?" I yell then everyone started looking for it. "Was it over a 13!?" Lucas yells. "How should we know!?" Mike shouts. "Charlie read it!" Lucas shouts. "Jesus Christ it's an Inanimate object!" I glared. "So?" He asked. "It doesn't have a brain I can read!" I rolled my eyes.

"Mike!" Mike's mom yelled. "Mom we're in the middle of a Campian!" He shouts back. "You mean the end 15 after." she says. "Mom wait just 20 more minutes I read his mind." "It's a school night Micheal the answer is no." Mike's mom says. "You can finish it next weekend." She finishes. "But that will ruin the flow!-" "Mike-" "I'm serious mom The Campian took two hours to plan. How was I supposed to know it would take ten hours." He mumbled. "You've been playing for 10 hours!?" She asks. "Uh dad don't you think-" "I think you should listen to your mother." His dad said.

"Charlie you good?" Mike says. "Yeah I just read your mind. Sorry but you should listen." I say, rubbing the blood from my nose.

"I got it!" Will shouted. "Does the seven count?" Will asked. "Did Mike see it?" I ask. "No" He frowned. "Then it doesn't count." I say. "Come on Dustin." I say grabbing my hoodie then he grabs the rest of the pizza. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah really it's perfectly good pizza." He smiled. "Uh huh. Wait where are you going?" I ask. "To see if Nancy wants some." "No get over here!" I chase him.

"Hey Nancy want a slice?" he asks. She gets off the bed then I hold onto his jacket. "Sorry about that Nancy. Um see you tomorrow in class." I say knowing she didn't really care. "Yeah see you tomorrow." she smiled, which left me shocked. "Ok come on Dustin." I say pulling him. "There's something wrong with your sister-ow!" "Don't talk about Nancy like that." I said as I pinched him. "She's got a stick up her butt." He says. I rolled my eyes as I get my skateboard. 

"Yeah cause she's been dating that douche bag Steve Harrington." Lucas says which causes me to push him with my mind. "Do not talk about Steve like that either." "Oh your just jealous cause you like him." Lucas says so I kicked his bike on the ground. "Really." "Yep, come on Dustin." I say getting on my skateboard.

"Goodnight ladies... No offence Cheddar Chaz." "None taken!" I shout. "Race to my house winner gets a comic." Dustin says. "Any comic?" will asks. "Yeah" "Your on." Will says. "Hey get back here!" Dustin shouts. "I'll take you X-men 124!" Will shouts which makes me laugh. "Son of a bitch." Dustin says. "Hey don't look at me it was your fault come on." "Mom we're back!" I say. "Hi guys how was it?" "Good." "Is that blood?" "Shit uh no." "Charlie you know how I feel about you using your powers." "Mom I know but I know how to control them and I'm careful." "Ok ok but you two it is a school night so head to bed." she says. "Night mom." I went to my room and went to bed but thought I sensed something.

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