Chapter 10

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Heading in to work the next day was an exercise in pain and anxiety. After everything that had happened with my mother I had not given another thought to Amber and her attempt to get me in trouble at work, but after getting out off the bus I was hit with a wave of apprehension about what the outcome would be today. I had never been in any trouble before with my job and I was hoping that this would work in my favour.

"Emma, good morning." My boss called out as I entered the staff room. "Clock on then come up to my office. Jenny knows you'll be with me so don't worry about your register for now."

"Okay, I'll be right there." I mumble as I put in my staff number on the sign-in clock. At least I was still getting paid, I guess.

The walk upstairs was not only intimidating it was freaking painful. Mum hadn't managed to break any ribs but she'd given it a good go. The doctors had given me a certificate to have time off but I couldn't risk using it with all this bullshit hanging over my head. I knocked on the office door and limped over to the chair in front of his desk

"Are you okay?" Bruce looked at me with concern.

"Ahh yeah, I had a run in with my mother yesterday. I look worse than it really is." I give a little laugh trying to make light of the situation.

"Emma, do we need to report this? I know your mother has done this to you before and you've always refused help, but this can't keep happening to you." Bruce was one of the few who knew what my home life had been like as there were too many times he'd had to see me in pain.

"The police are already involved. Thank you though for always being here for me." I smiled at him gratefully.

I gave a quick summary of what happened and then sat forward in my chair.

"Bruce, can you tell me what has been done about Ambers complaint?"

"Now that I can help you with. You're cleared of any wrong doing. Not only did the cameras show that you did exactly what you said but the customer that was after Amber came forward and told us what she had seen of the interaction. And then late yesterday one of the girls that was with Amber returned to tell me that Amber had made the whole thing up. Apparently she had gone home and spoken to her mother about what had happened and her mother drove her back here to tell the truth. So you have no reason to worry about any of this now. I did believe you, Emma, I want you to know that. But, because she had put an official complaint in, I had to follow the procedures."

"Thank you. I'm so sorry that she brought all this drama here." I was embarrassed but grateful my job was safe.

"Now, do you have clearance to work? I'm assuming you were looked at by a doctor?" Bruce switched straight back in to protective mode and we worked out a reduced work load for me for the next few days. He also sent me home for the day to rest and try to recuperate.

Once home I sent a message to the girls letting them know what had been going on and asked if anyone was free that afternoon after school. Within seconds I had responses from them saying they would all be there by 3.30. I put myself back to bed and slept.

I was awakened by the loud knocks on my door and shuffled out to open it. Evan had the code for the gate which made life easier for her to come over whenever she needed to. Abby was the first to gently hug me and looked ready to cry as she lifted my shirt to see the damage.

'I'll kill the bitch." Abby said in a low voice. "Has she ever done this before, Em?"

I glanced at Evan who nodded her head and replied for me.

"More times than you would believe, Abby. Emma is very good at hiding the pain and injuries. My mum has always looked after her though, when it's been too bad. The bitch liked to push Emma around just enough to make life uncomfortable and painful but not enough to stop Emma from working." The anger in Evans voice was palpable and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Why didn't you tell us?" This came from both West and Abby.

"I was embarrassed, mostly. You knew how she talked to me and that was bad enough. Evan found out by accident one day when she came over just after I'd had a fairly brutal beating. She took me to her place and got me fixed up." Even saying this to my friends was hard and humiliating. I couldn't look at them while I went on to tell them more of my pathetic life at home.

I also told them about Derek coming to my rescue and how we were going to have dinner one night. Suddenly, a thought came to me and I turned to my best friend.

"Evan, where's Jed? You never mention him anymore. Am I missing something?" I knew I had shut myself away from my friends but I was sure if Ev and Jed had broken up she would have told me.

"Well, the thing is, ummm, yeah so we broke up. And now he's apparently dating Amber which is why we didn't say anything because it's all just so fucked up. I think she deliberately went after him to mess with all of us. Especially because Travis wouldn't have anything to do with her." Evan reached out and grabbed my hand. "I just didn't know how to tell you and it just seemed like such a trivial thing compared to what you were dealing with at the time. But, I guess while I'm telling you things, I should tell you that I'm not staying at school. I've already got a full time job at a real estate as a junior receptionist and I start on Monday."

We all just stared at her after that bombshell. I then looked over at my other two friends and saw that they were just as shocked as I was.

"Holy crap!" West burst out. "Are there any more secrets in our group? Because this is fast becoming like a tv soap opera. I kinda like it."

"I like girls." Abbys voice was quiet but firm.

Again we had the whole head swivelling thing happening to look at her.

"Yes, I knew it!" Evan yelled.

"Fuck off, you did not." Abby laughed. "I only just realised recently myself so there is no way you could have known. Plus, you're kind of oblivious most of the time."

"Jesus, anything else need to be shared? Also, Abs, you know we love you no matter who you love."West looked at us all inquiringly.

"I like Derek."

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