Chapter 4 tug of war game.

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Everybody woke up.
It was a new day which meant another game.
Would I die in this game?
You thought to yourself.
You and your team all went to get the breakfast that's as being served.
While eating you decided to have yet another conversation with sae-byeok.

1 hour later

The shape guys announced that the new game will begin shortly and to line up.
We didn't know how many people would be aloud to be in the team for Tug of war but all you wanted was to be with sae-byeok.
Everybody was led to a white room with all of the remaining survivors of the games.
We were told to get into a team of 10.
You didn't even know 10 people but decided to be with your team which was 6 people including you and sae-byeok.

We had 10 minutes to find 4 more people so we did.
We only managed to find 3 people and was 1 person short.
Then the toilet girl came and joined our team.💃
After that everybody got into a line with their group of 10 people.
They announced we would be playing tug of war.

You were correct!
We didn't have a strategy yet so we didn't know if we would make it out alive.
There was 8 groups.
Everybody was handcuffed to the rope so they couldn't escape.
Once you loose and are hanging onto the rope they would cut the rope and you'd die.
2 groups were chosen and 1 of them won it was a bit obvious they would win with only boys on their teams.

Your group was 2nd.
You were scared knowing that if you died you would never be able to tell sae-byeok you love her.
An old man in your group started planning a strategy on the way.
You honestly didn't care what strategy you used as-long as you and sae-byeok lived.

As you walked up to the rope with your team everybody got into place.
Everybody was handcuffed to the rope as they waved the flag for everybody to start.
It was difficult and you were struggling but you knew that if you failed you would let everybody down.
You didn't know if you could keep up.
It felt like you were dying.

We were all told to go 3 steps forward.
You didn't want too but it was the only chance of you surviving.
You were all close to dying until you guys finally won..
We all collapsed onto the floor glad we survived.
All thanks to the old mans strategy.

After that the shape guys led us back to the huge room.
We saw the other team that survived the round before us.
They were just as shocked as we were when they saw we were all alive.

Jk we all died
The end

We all went to the spot our team first met up at and started preparing for the next game that seemed to be marbles?
We decided to come up with a plan that most likely wouldn't work because no one seemed to know what the marbles meant.
Maybe throwing marbles.
But how would somebody die by that?

Around 20 minutes passed and the remaining 2 teams arrived
40 people left
Who knows what would happen next but after that it was time for dinner.
We got into the lines and were served our food.
sae-byeok and I decided to sit together by her bed.
sae-byeok seemed like she was hiding something but what could it be?

sae-byeok's pov:

I couldn't help but to fall in love with y/n they even risked their life to save me.
I'm not sure if you likes me back but from the looks of it I think she doesn't.
But I mean she does act differently around me.
But in a good way, almost like in a loving way.
They are more talkative when they are with me and they seem more happy?
But maybe it's just me.
I know I have only know y/n for a while but I'm sure it doesn't take that long to fall in love with somebody right?
Well I mean at least for y/n.

I could honestly talk about y/n's for hours.
Everyday they are the only person I'm thinking about.
I even dream about us being together after we survive.
That's if we do survive..

Y/N'S pov:

I was thinking if I should tell sae-byeok I like her..
But what if it's just a small crush.
I mean it's probably because she's the only person I can trust with everything going on.

We decided to talk again during dinner this time we just talked about life snd stuff.
She told me she had a younger brother.
She said she wasn't sure if she would make it out alive and that if I do to promise to take care of him.
I agreed.

A hour has passed and lights out is going to be soon so sae-byeok and I decided to go back to our group.
We took turns again for night watch and I decided to do night watch with sae-byeok.
We woke up at 4:00 for night watch 4:00-6:00.
sae-byeok and I continued talking and. She seemed really tired.
I told her to just continue sleeping and that I'll do night watch by myself.
She refused but I was a bit glad she did otherwise I would have nobody to talk too.

It was time for breakfast and everybody woke up.
We all got in line and got breakfast and all sat together trying to plan a strategy for the possible game of marbles.
We didn't know how many people were able to play if it was solo,duos,trios who knows.

The old man mentioned that maybe we will be playing marbles games where you collect marbles.
We honestly had no other choice but to believe him I mean he did save our life during tug of war.
Not to mention he's old so he probably knows these kids games more than we do.

2  hours later

The next game would be starting soon.
It wasn't long before he shape guys came in and made us line up like usual for the next game.
We were led to the same white room as the one we used for tug of war.
They announced we will be getting into teams of 2 and to shake hands to become partners.
sae-byeok and I shook hands and became partners

Then you got shot and died
Ok well new chapter tomorrow BYEE

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