Part 1

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Luhan is not the typical damsel in distress eventhough he is fond of watching fairy tales. He was already involve in so many fights because of his attempts to find his Prince Charming. And in every fucking attempts he failed. Can you even believe it? He really can't understand the logic of those guys. Are they blind or what? How come they didn't realize how wonderful and beautiful Luhan is? Oh, Luhan's not being egotistic but he is indeed pretty. He can even surpass the beauty of any goddess and any Disney princesses. Who can resist a beautiful pair of doe eyes, cute button nose, long and thick eyelashes and a milky white skin?  Those guys that he dated always ended up smitten (or so he thought) but in the blink of his eyes, they always disappear. He even think sometimes that a witch cursed him when he was a baby to be single and lonely forever.
He even asked his parents if there is someone who has a grudge on them but they just laughed and said, “Don’t overthink, baby. You might not realize but maybe your Prince Charming is just around the corner.” He knows parents know best but he refused to believe that because there is no way in hell that he will be with ‘that’ guy. And speaking of ‘that’ guy…

"What are you doing here?" Luhan gritted his teeth while glaring at Oh Sehun who's sitting infront of him nonchalantly while chewing a gum. The pretty doe’s currently waiting for his 9th date for this month (because someone always ruins it, we can call him Oh freaking Sehun) and he just prayed a while ago for the date to prosper but a spawn of satan already ruined it. While Luhan looks like a kettle that's going to explode any moment, Oh Sehun still has the nerve to tilt his head a little and smirked lazily. The sonofabitch really loves to infuriate Luhan.

Oh Sehun, the true definition of perfection and Luhan's personal definition of hell. If he is like the other girls who will throw themselves just to have Oh Sehun, maybe he already cried in happiness but Luhan begs to differ because Sehun is a clingy piece of shit who doesn't know the meaning of personal space and tends to be a cockblocker on his (non-existent) lovelife. Luhan’s really convinced that Sehun’s the evil witch or maybe a wizard who’s designated to make him single forever.

"Up, Oh Sehun. Get out of here." Luhan hissed. He knows what Sehun's planning. He's ruining his mission again for the nth time. He doesn’t know why Sehun's been doing this (maybe he is really the evil witch or queen in his past life). They've been attached since birth due because of their parents being best friends. So basically Sehun is also his bestfriend. And as a bestfriend he should support Luhan right? But unfortunately, when it comes to his lovelife, the guy is a total opposite of 'bestfriend'. Instead of following Luhan’s order, Sehun leans in, his chin situated on his hand.

"Why would I? I am also a costumer here." Luhan is used to Sehun's teasing and also the constant invading of his personal space so it’s not new to him anymore.

"I know what you are doing Oh Sehun."

"What?" He asked innocently to the doe as if he can't do even a simple crime. "I'm just an innocent man who wants to have his tummy full."

"No shit Oh Sehun. I'm not dumb like you think I am." ‘And you better get out of here before I ruin that perfect sculpted face of yours or I might do something like kiss the life ou—‘

"Really? I really knew you have a thing on my jaw Lulu." He said smirking.
Fuck he just didn't said those words on his head. Luhan slaps his palm on his lips. He really can’t understand why he always found himself in embarrassing situation with Oh Sehun.

"Don't slap your lips Lulu, it might get swollen. Your lips should be swollen because of my lips only."
Damn this bastard. He really knows where to push Luhan's button. He should be immune on Sehun's playful remarks but the asshole is too good for this. He still finds himself blushing like a fucking tomato.

"Fuck you." Luhan hissed, trying to hide his embarassment. Oh how he wishes the ground will open to bury himself.

"I know you want me so much baby but I think we need to wait until we reach home okay?" Sehun said emphasizing the word 'want' in a loud voice making other people look at them.

Luhan closes his eyes in irritation. If only they are not in a public place, Luhan already strangles Sehun to death. He’s always doing this to him but Luhan still can’t get used to it.

Luhan leans in and whispers sweetly on Sehun's ear making the latter's grin widens. "I have no time for your fucking games Sehun. Get out of my fucking face before I decide to hunt you down and feed your guts on Vivi. Then I’m going to let Baekhyun touch Vivi just to torture you." Vivi is the name of Sehun’s beloved dog. And if something or someone can pissed Sehun off, it would be Vivi.  He doesn’t like it when someone touches Vivi (unless it is Luhan).

Someone coughs making Luhan glares at the person because he really hates it when someone interrupts him. The guy contemplates whether to talk or shut his mouth when he saw the pretty male's glare.

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