Chapter 3: Being With New Friends

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It had been 3 days since Luna appeared to the group. She had been trying her best to fit in with the others and get to know them more. While she's doing that, she even tried to recall her memory with the help of Katherine's magic skill, but there's no luck yet. Now Luna and her friends taking a little break of their work and focus on relaxing routine.

"I must say, your cooking skill is beyond Tyler's Luna", Olivia said as she eats her food.

"Thanks Oli, I've still practicing though", Luna said happily.

"So, what're we gonna do today?", Katherine asks.

"I promise to take Luna to where I found her", Tyler said, "but, me, Ezra and Jayden have meeting with the commander".

"How about me and Oli go there instead and we will meet up at yhe lake", Katherine suggest.

"Lake?", Luna asks.

"It's where we go every time to hang out", Ezra explain.

"I see", Luna said, "sound interesting".

Jayden lean towards Tyler's ear, "you're right, she does have royalty attitude", he whispered.

"Finding out who she really is will be fun", Tyler whispered back.

Jayden look at him, "ooo does someone has a crush", he teased making Tyler smack him.

The girls start to walk after Tyler told them the location which really deep in the forest. Tyler suggest them to to bring their weapon along just in case if there's monster.

As the girls already arrived where it all started, the ground where Luna unconscious have no grass, just dry dirt.

"Is this it?", Luna asks.

"Seem to be like it", Olivia said, "recall anything?".

Luna just shook her head, "nothing at all", she said.

"Don't rush, you'll remember one day", Katherine said.

Luna smile at her, but the smile slowly fade, "why?", she whispered.

"Pardon?", Katherine said.

"Why'd you guys help me?", Luna asks sadly, " Don't you guys think I'm just a stranger?".

Olivia just chuckle at her words, "don't be silly, you're no longer a stranger", she said making Luna look at her, "you're our friend".

"And a friend's job is to friend in need", Katherine said.

Luna smile at them both, "I-I don't have a word", she said, "thank you".

As soon as she said that, she starts to hear voices as she can't hear her surroundings."We must protect Tenzella!", a male voice said.

"They're breaking in!", a female voice said this time.

Slowly the voice fade and Luna could hear a real life sound again, as she return to reality, she let out a gasp making Olivia and Katherine shock.

"Luna! You ok?", Katherine asks worriedly.

Luna breath heavily and feeling scared, "what was that?" , She thought.

"Luna!", Olivia said making Luna shock and look at her, "Luna you ok?".

"I'm fine now", Luna answered.

"What happened?", Katherine asks curiously.

Luna was silent at first, she look up at them both, "I hear voices", she said.

Katherine and Olivia look at each other, "who's voices?", Olivia asks.

"I-I don't know", Luna simply answered, "they said something about protecting Tenzella".

"Tenzella?", Olivia asks.

"That's what I heard", Luna said, "you guys know something about it?".

"I think I have", Katherine said, "from what I've heard it's a kingdom's name. Few weeks before Tyler found you, Tenzella just not what it used be anymore", she explained.

"What do you mean?", Luna asks.

"It means, Tenzella's been conquered", Olivia replied.

Luna eyes widen, "what?", she asks not believing what she juat heard.

"Tenzella has been conquered by unknown person. Many territory joined forces to free the kingdom, but failed. From what we all heard, Tenzella now have dark magic surrounded the whole kingdom especially the palace", Katherine explained.

"What happened now, I mean you still tried to save them, right?!", Luna asks hoping for positive answers.

Katherine shook her head, "we gave up. Ever since Tenzella's dark magic become stonger, our focus is on protecting villagers and kill every monsters that was created by the dark magic".

"Well since you heard voices from Tenzella, then you must know something before the kingdom completely being conquered or why it's being conqured and if possible who", Olivia said.

"Well I don't know much about this since I lost my memory", Luna said.

"Don't worry, I'm not forcing you or something", Olivia said.

The girls now decide to meet up with the boys at the lake. As they arrived, they spotted the boys are sleeping below an oak tree.

"They must be tired", Luna said.

Olivia just chuckle, "there's one thing you didn't know about them", she said making Luna curious, "every time we come here, they always go straight to sleep at the same tree".

Luna look at the boys and smile, "oh, I see".

As the girls approaching them, the boys starts  waking up. The 3 girls sits next to each other with their backs against the tree.

Jayden notice them," you're here, how's it going", he asks.

"Well unexpected things happened", Olivia said.

"Like what?", Tyler asks.

The 3 girls explained everything to the boys what happened earlier about Luna hearing voices.

"Oh my, that was....mystery", Ezra said, "ok from what I have in mind, there's good news and bad news".

"Ezra!", Katherine said.

"No no, it's fine, please continue", Luna pleaded.

"Ok, the good news is, if Luna get her memory back, we can still save Tenzella", Ezra said.

"That's not pretty bad", Jayden said

"But the bad news is, if we know how to save them, we must go fight whoever the fake king or queen is", Ezra said.

As all of them discussing, above them there's a black smoke appears along with a guy with dark purple hair, black eyes and wearing a midnight black coat. He quickly smirk as he spotted someone he's been searching below him. The purple haired guy raise his hand and a black globe appear.

He move the globe closer to his face, "my lord, I've found her", he said.

"Good, bring her to me", a male voice coming from the globe said.

"Yes my lord", he replied and the globe disappear as he lowered his hand. He look back down at the group especially his target, "long time no see.....your highness!", he whispers.

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