Chapter 5: The Quest

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The group notice a guy with turquoise hair and bright blue eyes, "well that was something", he said while walking towards the group, "all of you alright?", he asks.

"Yeah", Jayden answered, "thank you commander".

"Commander?", Luna thought.

The commander look at Luna, "you are?", he asks.

"I'm Luna", she answered.

"Pleasure to meet you Luna", he said, "I'm commander Axel, the leader of the huntsman". He then look at all the 6, "Meet me in my office including you too Luna", he said as he pick up his spear and leave.

Olivia just sigh, "guess we're in trouble", she said.

"I-I'm sorry", Luna said sadly, "I didn't mean to put you all in this mess".

The 5 look at each other, "it's fine, really", Tyler said trying to comfort her, "we already get used to it".

"You sure", Luna said sadly.

"Yeah", Katherine said, "now let's go before it got even worse".

The group walk towards the huntsman headquarter, where all hybrid himan and normal human work together to create peace.

''Whoa'', Luna said amazed.

''Welcome to the headquaters where we all training, fighting and get a mission'', Olivia said.

''And more importantly, this is where we all met'', Ezra said.

''Really?'', Luna asks.

''Yeah'', Tyler said happily.

The group reach Axel office, inside theres a long vertical window and infront of it there's an office table and a chair where Axel sits at that time signing a pile of papers, around it there're shelves and full of books.

"Commander we're here", Tyler said.

Commander Axel look at them and stop signing, "you all look scared, don't worry I'm not mad", he said , "all I want to know is a report from back there".

"About that, a guy named Nyx attacked us out of nowhere", Olivia started.

"He said that he's from Tenzella", Tyler said and Axel starts to get more concerned.

"He also said that Luna will be our last hope if we want to bring peace again", Katherine said.

"Why is that?", Axel asks.

"We don't know yet, but I think there's something that Luna may know that could stop all of this", Tyler said.

Axel turn to Luna, "there is?", he asks.

"I-I'm sorry sir but, I lost my memory about everything, I can't really recall my home, my family or who exactly I am", Luna explained, "I only remember my name that's all".

Axel just sigh, "I see", he said, "but that's not the reason I want you here", he said and turn to the window, "I have a mission for you".

The group look at each other, ''is this has something to do about earlier?'', Jayden asks curiously.

Axel look back at the group, '' I'm afraid yes'', he replied, he then walk towards Luna, ''Luna would you like to be huntsman?'', he asks.

Luna look at her friends then back at him, ''I'd love to'', she replied.

Axel smile and place his right hand on Luna's left shoulder, '' then, from now on, you're now a huntsman'', he said proudly.

''Am I a huntsman now?'', Luna asks confused.

''Yes, I'd saw your fight earlier and I'm impressed of your fighting skill'', Axel answered, '' you also will be joining them in this mission since you related to it''.

''Maybe you'll memory back during this mission'', Katherine said happily.

''Yeah, I think that might happen, but even better, peace will be restored'', Axel said, ''now, back to the business, the mages told me that you need 2 item retrieve'', he explained, '' you'll need little upgrade of your magic and your skills''.

''Where'd we get all of this'', Ezra asks.

'' For your magic, you must travel to 'Enchanted Forest' where all magic came from and deep inside it, there's an item you'll need. Then, after the magic, you need to go to 'Forbiden Jungle' and somewhere inside, there's a  temple where the second item hidden, but beware of the jungle protector'', Axel explained. The group look at each other, ''do you all accept this mission?'', he asks.

With confidence, ''yes sir!'', 6 of them speak at the same time.

The group walk ouside until was greeted by a guy with violet hair and pink highlight, and pink-red eyes. Luna notice her friends  had disgust look.

''Well if it isn't Tyler and his little friends', violet haird guy said playfully. He then look at Luna, ''oh,  new girl eh, I'm Charlie, one of the top huntsman in the territory'', he said proudly, ''what's your name beautiful'', he asks still in playful tone.

Tyler starts to get furious with his attitude, ''it's Luna'', Luna replied.

''Luna huh, what a beatiful name'', Charlie said as he raise his hand to touch Luna's chin.

Tyler already had enough and he pull Luna behind before Charlie could even touch her, ''touch her you're dead'', he warned.

Charlie had angry look, ''acting tough huh'', he said, ''do you know who I-''.

before he could finished his sentence, Tyler grab his sword and aim it on Charlie's neck, ''like I care who you are!'', he growl and both his eyes turn to glowing orange.Charlie noticed it and his body starts to trembling, ''and I won't hesitate to end you right here, right now!''.

Charlie become more scared and people around them look at them both, ''alright I'll leave'', he said and walk away.

Tyler close his eyes and once he opens it, his eyes turn back to maroon. He then turn to Luna, ''you ok?'', he asks softly.

''Yeah'', Luna replied, ''thank you''.

''Next time just don't
pay any attention to him'', Tyler warned.

''Ok'', Luna asks, '' and why he's like that?''.

''He's just a jerk'', Katherine said, '' come on let's just go. we have so much to prepare''.

The group walk back to their house and make preparation on their mission. 

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