CHAPTER 9 - Umbrella, ellah, ellah, ellAH!

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Where am I?
Lord please show me a way out from this creepy place.
I hope somone can come and take me with 'em.
You have a surprise coming your way,


Oh my goodness! Why the hell this shop is so freaking creepy? Even though it's just a grocery store. Whoa.

Look what we have here,
Random stuffs, chips, medicines and much more..

We are here for medicines right?

"Pops, we're here for mom's medicines?"
I whispered to my dad, who is right beside me.
He nodded.
Well, as we're already here,
Let's Explore!

"Dad, I'll just go grab some snacks."
I informed my dad, by sign language.
"Okay." He made that sign.

I decided to check out the snack section.
Whoa, They do have a lot of items. Even though there is no one at the counter to receive the payments.

Well...I can see a bottle of coke.
My mouths watering already.
Might as well give it a shot.

Mmmmmhm.... it's pretty good.
"Is it really that good?"
"Yeah it is."
Wait, who the hell asked me?
I turned around and saw no one. I looked at my right, then my left. But saw nothing.
Urgh... nevermind.

I closed the lid of the coke bottle which was still in my hands. And then I started to look for some chips to take with me.

While I was searching for a pack of Doritos, I heard some weird knuckle cracking sounds. At first I ignored it, thinking that it might be an illusion of mine. But when that sound didn't stop and became louder, I decided to have a look.

I made my way hearing the knuckle sounds and to my surprise it was coming from the medical section. So, I thought that it might be my dad.
But why would dad make noises?

I couldn't buy that it might be my dad. So, I walk further and made it to the medical aisle.

From the corner of my eyes I could see a shadow, but why there are horns on the head?
Am I hallucinating again?

Nevermind.... I'll just check it out by myself.
I took steady steps towards that shadow.

When I was like only inches away,
No no no no no no no no no
This can't be him!
No God! No!
Why him? Why am I meeting it again and again?
I decided to have a closure look, so I took a step forward.
Oh my God!
It's really him!
The same man from my nightmare.

Jesus Christ! I should just go back to whatever I was doing.
Atleast before he sees me.
"Oh! Princess, we meet again. Guess we have some business left out."
Urgh He caught me!

Before I could turn back to face him,
He was infront of me.
What! How the hell so freaking quick?
Did he like fly over?

I tried to run away from him but....
Shoot! I'm freezed! AGAIN.

My head was hung low 'cause I didn't wanted to look at his gorgeous face and melt my heart.
He kept his pointer finger on my chin and made me face him.
He's looking straight in my eyes.

Geez! That stare.
I don't wanna look in his eyes but I can't take my eyes of him.
Like he's controlling it.

We both were staring at each other, we were unknowingly having that eye contest.
After a while, I started to feel dizzy.
Did he do something?
But he's not even touching me.

Urgh My head!
It hurts, Lord!
And the last thing I hear is...
"Goodbye princess."
then everything went black.

---To Be Continued.

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