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"I know your motives and you know mineThe ones that love me, I tend to leave behind.If you know about me and choose to stayThen take this pleasure and take it with the pain" -The Weeknd~Love Me Harder

"Hannah! Oh dear god! I thought you payed the bill?" I frown at my mom's worried face. "I payed half like you told me to mama." She realized my voice seeked the truth abd sighed. "Oh, right. Hannah, honey...I'm sorry. I'm just scared that we are going to get put out."

I placed my arms around her body. "Mama. You work four jobs. Maybe you should just let Uncle Wilbert take care of us. Every place I apply to they are too full. You come home and look so stressed out. He offers every single day. Hear him out." I rubbed the small of her back.

"No! Goddamnit! I'm fucking grateful witg what we have. You're Uncle is a stuck up, stingy, nobody who only cares for himself." She threw her reading glasses down and stood up. "Don't forget to call that place we was looking at yesterday. I'm going to hit the hay sack. Bye. I love you." She rubbed my bleach blond hair, kissing it. I whispered a I love you back too. The sound of the creaking tiles fainted as soft wood slammed into more wood.

I brushed my nightgown down and grabbed our house phone. "(573)-555-2109." I whispered to myself, listening to the ten beeps. It rung three times before someone answered it. "Hello?" A deep, raspy voices came out to play.

"Um, I w-was calling for the m-maid job." Damn it! Why did I have to stutter when I'm nervous? There was a long silence before he spoke again. "Can you start tomorrow around 8:00 a.m.?" My eyes widen. "Are you serious?! Of course I'll be there tomorrow. Oh thank you!" I smiled, shaking my fist in the air.

"If you're one minute late, I will fire you." With those words, he hung up. I stared at the phone and huffed. How rude?!?!

Cleaning the kitchen, I checked on mom, watching here whispering breathing whoosh pasted me. Atleast she's relaxed. She hasn't been in so long. If dad didn't take all the money from the bank, we would be ok. I hate looking his way now. He tries to come get me to hang out with him and his teenage wife. She's younger than me. She's not even legal.

I closed the door and went to my room. Stuffing myself on my cold bed, I slowly drifted to sleep.


Hannah Paige as Hayden Panettiere
And "Telescope" By Hayden

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