
"Fuck.......fuck, fuck fuck".

I say as I lean back in my bed and cover my eye.
I look to my left and see Parker astonished.

"Doctor can you give me a min.".

"Of corse".

He walks out of the room and I look to Parker.

"Summer, I am sorry".

He says walking over to me.

He leans in for a hug and he stays hugging me for a few min. after he stopped he said

"I have been meaning to ask you this and I know it's not the best time but would you like to.....

He stops And looks at the doors as my parents rush in practically crying.

"Summer! Oh my gosh! Are you ok"!

"Yes but no of corse because I have cancer now".

"It is all my fault"! My mom says she she lays her head down on my leg and starts to cry.

At this time my dad is sitting in the corner fighting back his tear.

"Mom, it was not your fault. You could do nothing about it".

"I am sorry".

"It's fine. Now stop being so cliche and get me out of this hospital bed I want to go home, they said I can leave at anytime".


We walk out to the car as Parker carts 4 bottles of oxygen.

"Can I go in Parker's car dad".

"Of corse".

"Parker smiled and put the oxygen in my parents car.

We start to pull out of the parking lot with my parents in front of us.

"What were you saying in the Hospital parker"?

"Oh yea, I know it's not the best time because of the Cancer. But could you go with me to the movies? I want to watch TFIOS but I don't want to look like a crept gay guy watching a romantic movie by myself".

"Yes of corse Parker. You know that I want to go to. I have been I bed most of my life so I have read over 200 books. It is almost impossible to not pass up a book like TFIOS or Paper Towns".

"Ok, well I am going tommowow I will buy a ticket for you".

"No Parker you know how I work. I will but the ticket, don't spend your money".

"But Summe..."


"Ok then".

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