We go into gym and start to play basketball.
I am good but Parker is not good, he is amazing. We are on different teams. Because I had cancer everyone treated me special.

"Hey summer do you want some water"?

"No thanks".

"Ok, stay strong".


I run over to the basket with the ball and throw it in.

"Damn Summer"!

"Thanks Park......."

I start fighting for air as I did on the streets a few weeks ago.


I make the signal for I cannot fucking breath and he says

"God Dammit"!

Him and the PE couch run over to get my oxygen tank.

They attach it and I start to breath again. But of corse the hole gym has stopped and is know staring at us.

"Summer I think you need to go to the nurse and Principal to talk about that, Parker you can help her go there".

I nod my head and start walking to the Principal's office with Parker.

"Are you ok"?


"Stop trying to act smooth about it, you are not ok".

"Parker thanks for reminding me, I am not ok I have cancer. And because that I am now a fragile Glass doll and everyone else is like cloth".

"Sorry Summer"

"It's fine, just perfectly fucking fine".

"You like to use fuck a lot".

"And I use it in the emotions of Sad,Angry, and Embarrassed".


We walk up to the office and I open the door".

"Come in"

"What would you like to talk about"?

"My Cancer, I cannot even go to gym without it striking".

"Well as I am sorry to say. I think you should go to like a online school which you can access from your home".

"That's a amazing idea but what about my mom"!

"I will get her on the phone for un-enrollment. And I will sign you up for your online school".

"Thank you so so much"!

"Your welcome".

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