Chapter 9

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Honestly Karkat wasn't sure what to expect with allowing this bottle blonde pompous douche nozzle to dye his hair but it sure as hell was an almost professional set up. Though without the fancy chair or apron. Instead Karkat settled for one of Eridan's old shirts and the toilet lid. The black haired man settled back as he gave a slight side eye to the bottle blonde. He had the brushes and dye bowl out as he mixed up the dark raven shade. Violet eyes staring back at him through thick rimmed glasses. Karkat looked over the shirt he had on, bleach stains on the shoulders and collar. It seemed to have been used many times for this sort of thing. This almost seemed too casual for someone he had known only a few weeks. It also made Eridan feel more.. Human? Less of a one dimensional dickhead?

"Alright Kar, I'm all done mixin up the dye." Eridan finally said before he stepped up beside the smaller man. Gloved hands moved to brush over Karkat's hair gently. Moving to part his hair for a better view of the white roots. "You really did let this groww out huh?" Eridan said this in a bit of a scoffing tone. But the pale man only rolled his eyes.

"Yeah well I haven't had time with classes and work to just drop everything and dye my fucking hair. So sorry that my abysmal time management has offended you, oh ruler of Doucheland." Karkat hissed back as his arms were crossed tight over his chest. It felt a bit odd since the 'short' sleeves of this shirt almost went to his elbows. It actually made him feel smaller than what he actually was. Yet at the same time the fingers combing over his hair were kind of nice. This was actually kind of nice. Talking to someone that will actually respond without suddenly changing the subject or spacing out for ten to twenty minutes at a time.

"It wwas just an observvation Kar. No need to get your panties in a twwist." Eridan replied as he started to dye Karkat's hair. Brushing the raven black over the roots and then outward to any the overgrown parts. It should be easy enough to set and leave for 45 minutes. They could keep their little study date going in the time being. Though it was kind of cute seeing the man in his shirt. How large it was on him. It drapes down to about mid thigh even. It was strange how Karkat refused to change at all in front of him, deciding to go to the bathroom to just switch shirts. It wasn't even that big of a deal, they were both guys there. Whatever, not like it mattered now.

"So any luck with you and that other rich girl you were talking to? What was her name? Fefer- something or another?" Karkat suddenly spoke up to fill the silent air around them as Eridan did his hair. Might as well go into their normal bouts of gossip while this is happening.  Not like they could keep the little study session up in the bathroom... that was oddly filled with a lot of purple. Karkat was starting to believe the man was obsessed with the color. Eridan kept his work going as he gave an overly dramatic sigh.

"She wwants nothin to do wwith me.Talkin about howw she already found another guy. Apparently she got herself a boyfriend wwith some loww life street scum. The shitty thing is that I knoww this asshat. He ain't anythin special. Looks like the fuckin wwind could bloww him over." Eridan huffed out as he looked down at Karkat a slight moment.

"Well you were being sort of a jackass about it all. Pushy as fuck also. You can't just whine passive aggressively at someone and assume they are going to hop on your dick. But she also didn't seem very invested in the friendship to start with because of all the stories you told me." Karkat explained a bit before he shrugged. "But what the fuck do I know, I just spend all my time watching romcoms and hoping for that sort of romance to drop it's fabricated ass in my lap. Like some fairy tale happy ending.  Relationships are work, and that didn't sound the least bit worth it."

"Oh come on Kar, you can't seriously say they are wwork and ask for one to drop into your lap in the same breath." Eridan was quick to point out after being completely called out like that. No punches held with each other it seems. "You got your eye on someone or somethin? I'm still not completely convvinced you and Gam ain't datin" 

"I can and will turn around and clock you in that pompous snooty little nose of yours Eridan. Do not fucking test me. No, I mean... not really. I used to date one girl before I realized I even liked men as well, probably a little bit more so. Just not many guys in town are open to that sort of thing." Karkat seemed to huff up as he leaned back slightly, to Eridan's annoyance, to look up at him. "Do you have anyone else besides Feferi you like? Because you sure as hell didn't mind flirting with me when we first met."

Eridan's cheeks went the slightest shade of pink and he rolled his eyes. "I was not flirtin with you, if you recall I had a fuckin gun to your temple for most of it!" Eridan shot back as he started to pull his gloved hands away. "I wwas callin you cute in a mockin way...  not that you ain't cute- I mean- shit." His face was starting to get a little more red, he had to do something. So he decided to turn it around, take his chance. This little 'friendship' was supposed to be an upper hand on the Makaras right? Flirting couldn't hurt. "Wwhat you interested?" He forced a cocky smirk. This caused Karkat's fake grey eyes to go wide. His face exploded in a deep red. His head snapped back looking forward to let Eridan continue what he was doing, his brow frowned.

"Oh piss off, that was not what I was saying!" The smaller grumbled as his shoulders lifted over his ears and his arms crossed tightly over his chest.  Hands grabbing at his own arms. "It is rude as shit to mock someone like that, Eridan. Come on, the dating pool is small enough as it is without you throwing fake fish in the waters." Eridan paused. Oh. He really thinks that Eridan is making fun of him here. The taller one seemed to just watch him with a softer gaze. One thing that his father honestly didn't care about was sexuality. He never had to explain himself and neither did Cronus. Eridan pulled his gloves off before gently gripping at both of those raised shoulders. Trying to relax him.

"Kar, I ain't mockin you here. You really are a cute guy, you know? I mean hell you caught me starin at you howw many times in class? I can't really help it sometimes. As embarrassin as that sounds." Eridan gave a sheepish grin as he tried his best to actually help him become less defensive about this subject. "I don't really knoww many other openly bi dudes either if I'm being honest. We are kinda a rare breed I guess."

Karkat turned to him slowly and he smiled, actually smiled. In all these weeks Eridan has never seen Karkat actually smile. It is at most a smirk, most of the time a scowl. But here he was, that soft curl to his pale lips. It felt so strangely special. Then he did something that, hell, even Karkat seemed surprised at himself. He unwound his arms from his torso before bringing them up and wrapped around Ampora, pulling him into a very comforting and warm hug. Fuck why did this feel so nice? This was not a part of the damn plan! How can this angry jackass be this nice, and warm and... Eridan slowly wrapped his arms around Karkat's back, holding him to his chest.

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