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  "Sophie..." the shaken girl quivered, her voice hoarse and soft. Tears once again slipped down Sophie's cheek, and the whole scene worsen when she saw her two parents being held captive too. 

  "Amy..." she whispered back, her stained face showed anger and sadness. Why couldn't she have a normal elf life? Why must she always be in danger? Why-

  Just then, Sophie was shocked when Biana appeared and flung the ogres on the ground, letting go off her sister's arm. She grasped onto Sophie and clung as tightly as she could onto her elder sister. "Sophie..., I'll take your sister to safety?" Fitz voice said behind her. 

  Sophie didn't want to, but she knew she had to. She moved Amy closer, until their forehead touch. After a moment, Sophie reluctantly pulled herself away and helped Amy up towards Fitz. "Go with him, alright?" Sophie whispered, sighing when Amy shook her head. "Remember, cute boys? Well, this is the one. It's not safe here, you have to go" 

  Amy nodded and Fitz hook his arms in hers and helped her away from Havenfield. Sophie watched them go before she turned back ran towards Grady and Edaline. The ogres that had held Amy were now up, probably ready to go after her and Fitz. She was pushed aside by one of them, kicking her on the knees. She was so in pain that she did not notice that another set of ogres were coming after her, but Lihn and Tam did. 

  Lihn splash a whirl of water on one while Tam surround the other with shadows, leaving them trapped. Sophie smiled and took of running towards the two other. It was dark, and for once, she remembered what Exilium had thought her, and squinted a look. 

  They were running down the hill, and so was Sophie, not far behind. The ogres soon saw her and they immediately took a dagger and flung it at Sophie. It hit her knees, but instead of feeling a rush of pain, she felt anger. 

  Then suddenly, she felt a huge force onto the both ogres, and they tumbled down the hill. Sophie dropped down, not realizing that she was floating in the air. She had inflicted on them and she felt wore out. She took one glance at Fitz and Amy, making sure they were safe before the world black out. 

  Sophie woke up, her arms still sore. She glanced down towards herself, she was wearing a set of pajamas! Her blonde hair was messy, and she was placed in a weird position. So, she shifted slightly on the bed, immediately regretting it when her ribs hurt and she fell back down. 

  "Owww" She groaned, realizing that she was in a rather familiar center. Sophie looked around to confirm. Yup, she is in the healing center. Elwin immediately scuttered in, flashing a orange globe above Sophie's head. "You're awake!" He exclaimed, his colorful spectacles looking down onto Sophie's posture. "Welcome back," Elwin added teasingly. 

  "Where's Fitz?" Sophie asked, blushing when she realize that was the first question she asked. "And Amy?" Elwin pointed towards the bed beside her, where a figure peacefully slept. Sophie smiled, glad that Amy had make it and was sleeping. "Thanks...and Fitz?" 

  "I'm here!" A voice called from the doorway and Fitz stepped in. Looking as cute as usual, his hair were rather messy, and he was wearing a stripy vest with a red shirt behind. "Glad that you still care about me, how are you feeling?" He flashed her a smile and plopped down in front of her on the bed. 

  "You brought Amy to the healing center?" Sophie inquired, gesturing towards her sister. Fitz nodded. "I thought you would want to see her before we returned her to her parents" Sophie squirmed at the word 'her parents' . 

  "So...what happen after you go, and why did I end up in the healing center?" Sophie asked, feeling like she had miss a lot. Fitz glanced at her nervously before he asked Elwin. "Hey Elwin, do you think Sophie is strong enough to let m-" 

  "I am, Fitz, please" Sophie interrupted, placing a reassuring arm on Fitz's. 

  "Not unless you drink these," Elwin announced, carrying a tray of medicines. Sophie groaned but did not argue. Elwin set the tray onto Sophie's lap and told Fitz to help her. Fitz took the red bottle, opening it before he began. 

  "Well, after you passed me Amy, she told me that you said that you guys talked about cute guys like us boys, including Keefe and Dex, Tam too?" Fitz asked as Sophie turned to the shade of red but nodded. He flashed a grin. "And apparently, all you needed to convince her to come with me is just to tell her that I'm the cute guy now?" 

  Sophie turned even redder but still nod. "Yeah, but...that's not important" She said, hoping it would change the subject. Fitz handed her the medicines, and she glare at him before she gulped it down. "There, happy? Now please continue" 

  Fitz chuckled. "It's nice to see you get your defiant and determined self again," He said. "Okay, so we went down the hill and two ogres came after us, with you a little behind. And yeah...you inflicted on them and nearly tumbled us down too, but I ducked us in time. I knew I had to bring Amy to safety, so, I brought her to here and went back to you. I couldn't ever, ever, leave you alone there Sophie. You were passed out and I couldn't stand looking at my girl-...you like that Soph, I couldn't" 

  Sophie blushed, not missing the slip he had just made. Did he want to call her girlfriend? She hung down her head. "Thanks, but you shouldn't, I wouldn't mind it Fitz, but...thank you" Fitz stood up and kissed her on the forehead.  

 "I'll always will" He transmitted. 

"Well, I guess I should get going," Fitz said, looking hesitant. "You...probably wanna rest" 

"Yes, she need to, not want to" Elwin agreed making Sophie groaned. 

  "But I was sleeping for a long time" Sophie argued, leaning back onto bed to gesture her surrounding. 

  "Not sleeping, but passed out" Elwin corrected, chuckling to himself as he escorted Fitz out of the healing center and turned back to Sophie. He leaned a little closer and added, "I can't believe I'm saying this but...Keefe's right, you two do looked into each other's eyes a lot" 

  Sophie blushed, "It's something called the cognate training Elwin" Sophie said, trying to hide under the covers. "We...couldn't help it, you know" Elwin laughed and brought the empty tray back towards his office. And she had nothing to do but sunk down onto the bed. 

  But she could sleep, and she spend the next hour flipping around the bed, until she had an idea what to do. Sophie squeezed her eyes shut and let her mind reached out towards her friend. 



  "Can you help me?"


  "Yeah, I can't sleep and Elwin will smack me if I don't" 


   Silveny begin to fill Sophie's mind with pictures of her and Sophie flying in the air. Swooping through towards Lost Cities. 




  Snoring, the worn out girl fell into deep slumber.  

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