Chapter 22: This doesn't seem right

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Tristan POV

I flipped her onto the bed and hugged her body from behind. Due to my swift action, she yelled out loud. Lying her next to me with her back facing me, I snaked my arm around her neck while the other hand wrapped around her waist.


"Shh, I'm a sick person. I need some rest." With my eyes shut, I rested my head on the crook of her neck, which allowed me to inhale her scent.

"Listen, I understand you're sick, but we don't have to sleep in this position. Maybe you can let me go first?" I tried to negotiate with him.

"If I release you, will you run away again?"

"I'm sorry. I promise this time I won't run away."

"Tell me, muffin, why did you run away? You left without a proper goodbye, and I hate that."

"I...I don't know."

"Is it because of Marco?"

"Marco? How does he involve in this?"

"Who is he to you?"

"He is my boss."

"Just a boss?"

"Yeah, why are you asking a weird question like that?"

"If he is just a boss, then why do you keep following him?"

"I'm not. It's because of my job. He is my boss, and I'm his assistant, so I need to be with him and help him with the job."

"Should I remind you I'm your big boss?"

"I know, but I do not report directly to you, so-" She cut me off before I could complete my sentence.

"So, if you need to report directly to me, will you follow me around too?"

"Of course, if it's related to work."

"Good, I know what to do."

"What do-" I tightened my hands around her to stop her from asking more questions.

"Tristan, you-" I groaned and moved even closer to her. Her body completely stopped moving. The medicine took effect and made me sleepy. Fever always causes me to feel lonely, and I appreciate her accompaniment at a time like this.

Trisha POV

Fluttering my eyes, I instantly grabbed my phone that was placed on the nightstand. Looking at the time, I quickly kicked off the blanket and wanted to wake up from the bed, but the firm grip on my body stopped me. I sighed, shifting my face at the person behind me. I almost forgot I was in his room, on his bed and even worse, in his arms.

"You promised me last night you won't run away." The husky voice made me stop moving.

"I-I..wait, Tristan, can you let go of my hand first?" His hands folded around me tightly.


"Tristan, please."

"Okay, go, just leave me alone here." His voice changed drastically. Slowly pushed myself from the bed, I turned around to his face, but he glanced away, refuse to look at me. People often say a guy with a fever was fragile and sensitive, and it seems like it is true. The flashback about the pool incident immediately created a guilt feeling inside of me.

"I'm sorry, Tristan. I didn't mean to break my promise. I thought you were joking last night." He spun his body to the other side with his back facing me.

"I need to go before my roommate realizes about my absence. If not, people won't stop talking about us."

"Please don't be mad at me. I will come back and check on you later, okay?" No words from him. He ignored me.

"Alright, I will stay. Happy now?" I strolled to the other side so that I could look at his face.

He opened his eyes and asked, "Really?"

I nodded. "Yes, since it was my fault. If you didn't jump to the pool and save me yesterday, this wouldn't happen. I'm sorry."

He sat on the bed, staring at me intensely. "If my fever is not related to the pool incident, will you still come and take care of me?"


"Wait, you don't have to answer me now. Can you take some time to think about that? I want the answer from here." He pulled me closer to him and pointed at my chest, indicating the heart.

Even though I didn't understand what he meant, but I still nodded. "Okay, so you're not mad at me anymore? Am I forgiven?" I tilted my head, looking at him with a smile on my face.


My face scrunched with his simple answer. "That is for the first or second question?"


"Why? I promised you I would stay."

"Not that easy. I have a fever because I sacrificed myself and saved you yesterday. And, I'm not fully recovered yet." I instantly touched his forehead to confirm his words. He didn't lie; his body still felt hot.

"Hold on. I haven't finished my words yet. Please don't interrupt me. To redeem everything, you need to take care of me for one week."

"One week? Is accompanying you to sleep like last night included?" I braced myself to shoot him that question even though it sounded weird.

"If you're not willing to do that, then I won't force you."

"Okay, deal!" I hurriedly agreed to his request, and I found a smile on his face. Noticing about his mood changes, I took the thermometer and gave it to him.

"Check the temperature." Luckily, this time he agreed without any question like last night. After a few minutes, he pulled it out and gave it to me.

"You still have a slight fever. Let's get ready and have breakfast before taking medicine." The moment I mentioned the medicine, the heat covered my face while the memory of last night hit me. I wondered if he remembered that too.

"Why your face is red?"

I let out an awkward laugh. "Freaking hot! The weather is hot this morning. You see how hot it's outside." I pointed to the window, trying to avert his attention.

"It's raining, muffin." His words were saturated with sarcasm, but I didn't miss the smirk on his face. I slapped my forehead at the embarrassing moment.

"Yeah, you're right. Just forget about it." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Yeah, you're undoubtedly right. We should forget about that." He raised his eyebrows, teasing me.

"Ah, stop it. You go clean up, and I will buy some breakfast." I wanted to escape from the crime scene like a criminal, but he was quick to prevent that from happening. Just in the next second, he was standing behind me. He caught my wrist and spun me around, making my body stumbled on his chest.

"Running away from the crime scene is not a good attitude. Let's call for room service."

I nodded, unsure what should be the proper reaction. The close distance resulted in me getting nervous, and I know this doesn't seem right. I treated him like a brother, and it shouldn't make me feel this way.

This doesn't seem right. I kept chanting that in my mind.


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