Chapter Five

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I wake up in a strangers bed with sheets, pillowcases and blanket made from silk I sit up and a girl with cherry red hair was laying beside me. I vaguely recall her name "Scarlett" I think I get up and gather my clothes that are scattered everywhere in the room and go to the bathroom I figured she wouldn't mind me taking a shower. After I got out of the shower and dressed I stepped out of the bathroom she Scarlett stretch as she wakes up her eyes open and she smiled at me.
Scarlett: good morning James, do you want me to make you some breakfast?
Me: you don't have to Scarlett, I'll be fine.
Scarlett: nonsense you're my guess and it would be rude if I didn't give you something to eat.
Me: I guess I have a few minutes to spare.
She gets out of the bed and we head downstairs to the kitchen I start to realize how huge this place is and it definitely a very expensive place.
Me: nice place you have here.
Scarlett: it's my cousin's house, he's letting me stay here while he away.
as we walk through the hallway I noticed a picture of Nathan and Dakota Rollins hanging up immediately I remember why I recognize this place.
Me: your cousin is Nathan Rollins?
Scarlett: yeah why?
Me: Scarlett, I'm a black hood that is currently hunting for him.
Scarlett: oh? Well he left New Orleans a while ago.
Me: when might he be coming back?
Scarlett: hard to say for sure but he's definitely won't be back for at least four years. Whenever he decides to go on the run he always finds a place to stay for exactly four years then he moves on to the next place but I have no idea where he went or where he will go next.
Me: you're not scared of me?
Scarlett: should I be?
Me: I mean I don't know?
Scarlett: let's just eat breakfast then we can move on with our lives.
Me: I guess I can let this go for now.
Scarlett: it's a good thing I was to drunk to remember how to activate the security system last night. You would have been killed on sight before we got upstairs.
Me: good to know that I could have been killed.
as I sit at the table waiting for Scarlett to serve breakfast I think about her wondering how exactly she is.
Me: if you don't mind me asking what kind of supernatural creature are you?
Scarlett: that's complicated. I'm technically a sorceress but I don't practice magic, I haven't practiced since I was fifteen. My mother is a sorceress not sure how she got her abilities since she wasn't born with the ability to do magic. Regardless she insisted on me and my sisters practicing magic and she wanted us to practice the darkest level of magic. It scared me and I didn't want to practice magic so I ran away from home and ever since then I've been on my own and avoid my mother and sisters the only family member I can trust is Nathan. I know what hunters think about him and I know that he has killed a bunch of hunters but he really is a good person. I don't expect you to trust me and I can't blame you for feeling unsafe around me but I really do like you and I really enjoyed our time together but I know that you probably don't want see me again after today.
I think about what Scarlett has said and I'm conflicted about everything I admit that me being a black hood and her a bloodline relative to the vampire prince makes us having a relationship with each other dangerously risky but I also can't deny that a part of me enjoyed spending time with her last night and I don't want this to be the last time we see each other but regardless this has to be the last time we see each other. If I care about Scarlett then stay away from her is the best way for me to protect her but I want to be a part of her life.
Me: I don't regret anything about last night.
*Scarlett turned to look at me*
Me: I'm glad I met you Scarlett and I don't want this to end. I think that I'm falling in love with you and I know that puts both of us in danger but we can try to have a relationship together, I want you to be in my life Scarlett and I hope you want me to be in your life as well?
*She smiles at me*
Scarlett: are you sure your willing to face the danger of being in a relationship with a Roth because my family is literally cursed by darkness and the people we love often suffer the most.
Me: I'm not afraid, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with you and I will protect you from any of my co workers.
As we sat at the table and eat breakfast together we get a unexpected visitor Scarlett jump from the table to her feet "BROOKLYN" she yelled in shock the woman in the that has walked into the dining room stands there with a smile on her face.
Brooklyn: hasn't Nathan told you a thousand times that you should always pay attention to your surroundings? I just came to check on how you were doing after CJ told me that she saw you guys together at bloodlust and she figured you would bring him here I figured I should stop by to make sure that everything was okay.
Scarlett: Brooklyn please, you can't tell Nathan about this!
Brooklyn: that's true, we don't need Nathan think that his naive little cousin has been foolish enough to let a black hood into his house where he thinks you're safe at.
Scarlett: James isn't going to hurt me.
Brooklyn: no maybe not but he will hurt Nathan and you were very generous with the amount of information that you have shared with him about yourself and Nathan.
Me: I'll leave if it makes you feel better?
Scarlett: please stay James.
Brooklyn: seriously Scarlett?
Me: Scarlett this is goodbye, we can still be together but I understand why your friend doesn't want me here. From what I know about Nathan this is about his safety rather than yours so I'll leave but we can be together.
I left the house and returned to the hotel where I was stay at I got back to the room and Andrew was still there surrounded by paperwork and books. He casually look up from his laptop and gives me a slight smile welcoming me back. I go to my bed and opened my suitcase that was beside it and grabbed clean clothes I stepped into the bathroom to change when I walked out "did you have a good night" Andrew asks me with little interest "yeah I had a good night" I responded not really wanting to go into detail.
Andrew: James?
Me: yeah?
Andrew: I'm sorry that I've been so busy with trying to figure out what happened to Elizabeth that I have ignored how much pain you are in. After all she was your sister and I might have been her boyfriend but she was your sister and your my best friend. Maybe tonight we can go out together that way you don't have to spend another night grieving alone.
Me: sounds great Andrew, I'm looking forward to it.
{Nathan POV}
While I was getting ready for a meeting I noticed Dakota sitting on the bed watching me
Me: something wrong my love?
Dakota: you're going to a dinner party hosted by a family of witches that have attempted to kill you several times over the years yet you don't want me or Joshua going with you? Are you trying to get yourself killed!
Me: I know this isn't a ideal scenario but if they are going to trust me they need to see that I'm willing to give them a little trust. But if this is a trap I'm not going to be completely unprepared for a fight.
Dakota: I swear if you don't come back home I'll kill everyone in their bloodline.
Me: please my love I rather not have a repeat of what we did the entire year of 1983.
Dakota: fine I'll see you when you get home.
*I walk over to sit down on the edge of the bed and wrapped a arm around her she lays her head on my shoulder*
Me: if I'm not home by the time you wake up in the morning call Josh and let him help you find me.
Dakota: deal.
Me: I love you more than anything in this world.
Dakota: I love you too Nate.
I grabbed my leather jacket and pull it over my dress clothes when I open the door my face is hit with the freezing winter. I forgot about how cold the middle of December is in the northeast and I also forget how much snow the northeast gets during December. After a long drive I make it to the house where I'm greeted by Belinda Barker and her husband Felix Barker
Belinda: it's good to see you Nathan.
Me: cut the act Billie, I know you only asked me here because you need something.
Felix: watch your mouth!
Belinda: Felix! remember who you are speaking to. We might not agree with each other but I'll admit that it's about time I accept that you are going to be the king of the supernatural world. I've lived for four hundred years and I've seen what happens when you are back into a corner that said I rather not be your enemy. This dinner is merely a peace offering, a way for us to put our differences aside and work out a compromise after all your still work on building your alliance with the supernatural creatures that are willing to stand beside you.
Me: in that case you have my full attention.
Belinda: business can wait, dinner is almost done please come inside Nathan.
I step inside and follow them to the dining room where a table will the rest of their coven was sitting a talking among each other the all stop and stared as I walked into the room
Me: I'm here as a guest, please go back to enjoy your evening.
Witch: didn't ask for your permission!
Belinda: That's enough! Nathan is our guest and future ruler of the supernatural world and we all will show him our respect!
Me: it's okay Billie, respect is earned not given so I plan to earn everyone's respect over time but for now you are all allowed to feel however you are feeling but I hope that we can keep this dinner civilized.
With that everyone goes back to what they were doing went I got here and I took my seat at the table the evening was going well when suddenly Belinda's youngest sister jumped from her seat
Everyone looks at her concern about what happening
Everyone gets yo there feet and turn off all the lights in the house and go to hide meanwhile I reminded at the dining table
Belinda: Nathan what are you doing?
Me: I told you that I plan on earning respect well you all hide and stay safe I'll take care of our unwanted surprise guests.
*Belinda nodded her head then went to hide with the others* I picked up a lighter and lit the candles in the center of the table and waiting for the black hoods to storm in here and find me. When they got to the dining room I was sitting back with a glass of wine in my hand while the candle light flickers I can see one scout badge and the other are foot soldiers I smirk the dim light reflecting off my fangs
Me: looking for me?
*low hiss*
Me: when have I ever been that cooperative with you?
As they charge towards me I kicked the table over top of them, the few still standing I stabbed a steak knife into their shoulder then I run into the hallway and come face with the rest of the group. From behind me the ones that could still stand coming out of the dining room they all came charging at me I stand my ground until my clothes were stained with their blood and they were unable to continue fighting. At my feet laid the bruised and bloody bodies of my enemies.
Me: do you give up?
They all tap the floor three times as a signal of surrender with that I summon up the strength to do magic and cast a healing spell over everyone of them.
Me: there that'll keep you all alive until the paramedics come.
Hunter 1: you called for an ambulance?
Hunter 2: and healed us until they showed up?
Hunter 3: why?
Me: contrary to what you were told, I'm not a heartless monster and I'm rarely a stone cold killer. Most of the time I'm actually a decent person who is just trying not to get killed.
I left them there and got to my car half way home I start feeling weak from casting that spell. I pulled over and got out of the car the cold winter air felt refreshing on my face but the feeling of relief was interrupted by the smell of a familiar source. I gather up what remains of my strength and prepare for another fight when I'm thrown backwards my body slammed again the back of my car causing the window to crack I lay in the snow barely able to move let alone get up I focus my strength on staying awake the last thing I need is my enemy getting the advantage over me because I let myself fall unconscious.
Me: go to hell Raymond! You can break my bones all you want you'll never break me down enough to give you what you want!
Raymond: that's the Nathan Rollins I remember.
He grabbed me by the collar of my jacket and lifted me up and pushed me against the car I glare at him.
Me: enjoy this while you can, when I get my strength back I'll kill you slowly.
Raymond: we'll see about that.
He slammed my face into the window and I blackout for the impact and blood loss. When I regained consciousness I'm laying on a cement floor I see Raymond sitting in a chair watching me.
Me: when I escape from here, I'll kill you
Raymond: you wouldn't want to go dark would you?
Me: killing you wouldn't make me go dark, I can easily claim that I got so hungry that I went rabid and killed you out of instinctive need to feed. You see going dark is against the law of the supernatural world however going rabid is a survival instinct to feed when we're starving. So it's ignored when a supernatural creature kills because they go rabid beside nobody in the supernatural world would dare question me about my reason for killing a desperate waste of space like you.
*Raymond glares at me*
Raymond: I can't wait to break you, I'll enjoy every second of it.
Me: do your worst, I'll never break! I'm not afraid of the pathetic failure. I mean being a white knight is your family legacy and you're the first that failed to live up to their legacy, you are nothing but a shadow of someone better than you.
he lunges at me grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulled me against the bars I give him a sly smirk
Me: did I strike a nerve?
Raymond: I'm going to end you!
Monica: Ray, that's enough I need him alive
*Raymond let's go of me then step back to the other side of the room*
Me: Monica? I'll admit I'm surprised to see you considering that I know you are running out of time to deliver your end of the deal with Lyra. Trust me out of my three cousins Lyra is the least patient and she really hates liars or people who don't keep their promises.
*She walks to the other side of the cell and opened the door the two of them stepped into the cell*
Monica: I'm not worried about Lyra, now that I have you I'll be able to keep my end of the deal.
Me: or I kill you both then walk out of here.
I run towards them only to have something pull my leg I fall to the floor I look back at my leg and noticed the chain wrapped around my ankle and attached to the wall.
Me: cursed chains? I'll admit not bad.
Monica: looks like your not going anywhere.
Me: for now but I will eventually.
{six months later}
"Nathan, wake up" I hear someone calling me I started to wake up and see Lyra standing there I pushed myself up from the floor.
Me: Lyra? What do you want?
Lyra: I want Monica and you want to go home, so cousin I have a deal that will benefit both of us. I'll get that leash off of you, you kill Raymond and I'll take Monica then we go our separate ways.
Me: I know you don't need my help with Monica, so tell me what you really want from me?
Lyra: clever as always, my naive little sister Scarlett and her forbidden love affair with a black hood.
Me: so what? Scarlett is in love with the enemy. I see the danger in that relationship but I don't really see why I have to get involved just yet, I'll eventually get involved in order to save Scarlett but right now it's just a little bit of dangerous fun.
Lyra: trust me Nathan it's not going to be a little bit of fun for when you figure out what exactly mother has planned.
Me: Beatrice using her daughter as a pawn in her plan to get rid of me. I'm not surprised, I'm also not concerned either.
Lyra: do you want me to help you get out of here or leave you alone to fend for yourself?
Me: I'm fine on my own, however can you tell Monica I hope she has a good time in the void.
Lyra leave the room a few minutes later I hear Raymond coming I lay down pretending to be asleep when he got close enough I jumped up and tackle him on to the ground I sank my fangs into his neck and drank every last drop of blood from his body. My strength returned and I break free from the chain then make my way out when I get outside the heat hits me hard last time I checked it was winter but now it's hot as hell which means it's summer but that means I've been in that basement for at least six months. While walking down the street in torn, blood stained clothes somehow I ran into Joshua who rushed over to help me
Joshua: where the hell have you been?
Me: locked in a basement.
Joshua: let's get you home so you can get cleaned up and make yourself look like you again
when I see my reflection I didn't recognize myself after we got to my house I went to take a shower and get cleaned up when I come back downstairs I'm myself again Dakota hugged me and lectured me, her and Josh tell me everything I miss while I was gone then I remember what Lyra told me I jumped to my feet and grabbed my go bag
Dakota: Nate? What are you doing?
Me: we have to go to New Orleans for a few days.
Joshua: why?
Me: Scarlett as usual got herself into trouble only this time Beatrice has taken some interest in her situation which means we all are in trouble.
Dakota: alright I guess we're going to New Orleans.
Me: I promise I won't go missing this time.
Dakota: damn right you won't because I'm not letting you out of my sight.
Me: can I get that in writing?
Dakota: shut up Nate.
We pack up everything into the car and said goodbye to Josh before hitting the road and heading to New Orleans. When we finally arrived at our house in New Orleans we head inside where Scarlett was sitting in the living room clearly pregnant and suddenly everything started to make since why Beatrice is coming for Scarlett.
Scarlett: didn't expect you guys to come back so soon?
Me: your mother is coming for your baby and we both know she has no intentions of being a supportive mother or loving grandmother. Beatrice Roth is incapable of loving anything so if she wants that child I rather not find out why.
Scarlett reminds in the guest room at the mansion where we can protect her from Beatrice just in case she shows up around here looking for Scarlett.

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