Chapter Eight

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Trollex, Barb, Poppy, Branch and Darnell were on their boat, setting sail to find SeaSnake District. Trollex was looking over the map and navigate to where it could be. He and Branch studied the map and sees there is a rock that shapes like a hand near SeaSnake District

Branch: It looks like that hand shaped rock means that where we can find the SeaSnake kingdom. I hope these Trolls don't have venom

Barb: Oh, please let them have venom

Branch: Why would you be excited for venom??

Barb: That means I can make them bite you and see how you'll react

Branch: Wha-?? Barb!

Barb: Hahaha

Branch: 😑

Darnell: Oh, ignore her, B. She's just playing around. Right, other B?

Barb: Sure...😏

Branch: 😐?!

Trollex: ...Moving on...So, if we see a hand shaped rock, we'll be at SeaSnake District?

Branch: Yup. So everyone, eyes out for hand shaped rocks

Poppy: On it! *used her hair as a telescope* Hand shaped rock. Hand shaped rock

Trollex: Hmm...Maybe I can see if where near anything down below

Branch: That sounds like a good idea. But, how can you tell you found the rock??

Trollex: Well, the rock would be near SeaSnake District, so I'm pretty sure that I can find it while it's next to the rock

Branch: But, Trollex, do you know how deep or far the District could still be in?? Probably deeper than Techno Reef. No offense

Trollex: None taken. But I can still try to find it while I'm underwater. In fact, I bet I can spot the whole kingdom while I'm down there

Poppy: *noticed something* Uhh...Guys??

Branch: Can you see how far the kingdom is?? Sometimes the water can be very blurry and to impossible to see

Trollex: I can glow my whole body up. I'm sure I can see where it is

Darnell: *looked at to what Poppy is looking at* Guys??

Branch: I don't think that's enough. You see, the water can be very-

Barb: Hey! Can you guys shut your Troll butts and look!

Branch and Trollex looked up and sees what they're looking at in the distance. Trollex's eyes squint and sees a hand shaped rock

Branch: Whoa. We found it

Barb: Actually, Pop-Squeak found it while you were lecturing Trollex in a very annoying way

Branch: Hey!

Trollex looked at the rock in awe. He'd never seen a rock like this before. And that somewhere near this rock is the home of the Snake Tribe, a Tribe that can help them to make sure Oliver doesn't taken over the Ocean World

Trollex: Ok. Does everyone have anything or do anything before we dive in??

Barb: I do need to pee though

Darnell: Me, too. Come on *walks away with Barb as they walked into different rooms*

Branch: Couldn't they just say they needed to use the bathroom?? Because that was a huge case of TMI

Poppy: Little bit, yeah

Trollex: *nods*

A few moments later, after Darnell and Barb finished up in the bathroom, everyone gotten their scuba gear on, and they all dived into the water. They all swam in deeper by following to where the rock was from above and sees where it ends down below

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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