Chapter 10

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Saturday night:

Viraj finished reading the last clause of the contract and signed it. He gave it to his assistant sitting in front of him.

"Confirm the deal with the Singhanias." Viraj asserted.

"Yes, Viraj." Gaurav answered in his evergreen voice and stood to leave. It was already late at night.

"Gaurav." Viraj called for his attention.


"I need your suggestion. Sit." He said hesitantly while scratching his neck slowly.

"Sure." Gaurav said with a chuckle and took his seat again.

"What do...girls of Ananya's age prefer to...have for lunch?" Viraj asked, nervously.

"What?" Gaurav asked, a little confused over the question.

"I am taking someone out for lunch, tomorrow. And, I have no idea what I must ask the chef to prepare for us." Viraj spilt the truth.

Gaurav couldn't help but chuckle. He knew how Viraj was highly inexperienced in the arena of women. He had never dated anyone or even talked anything remotely romantic with anyone.

"Nupur is in India?" Gaurav asked as he thought his boss/friend was taking his soon-to-be wife for lunch.

Viraj only glared at Gaurav for mentioning Nupur's name.

"You know we do not spend time together." He answered.

"If not Nupur, then who? A date?" Gaurav asked.

Viraj chuckled.

"More like a lunch...session!" He answered while thinking of an apt word.

Gaurav wondered who the girl is. But, he could feel that Viraj was not going to mention the identity of the mysterious girl. So, he let it slide.

"Well, it depends on the girl entirely. Everyone has different tastes, you know!"

"Is there something that all women like to have?" Viraj asked. He would have gone with Ananya's preferences but he highly doubted that the two girls shared any similarities.

"Uhh... I can recommend to you what my girlfriend prefers to have all the time." Gaurav started and Viraj listened to him carefully.




Meanwhile, Sneha sat in front of her family for supper.

"Papa, I wanted to tell you something." Sneha started while tapping her feet in a rhythmic manner. Her palms began their sweating process automatically.

"What?" Her father asked.

"My friends from school want to have a get-together tomorrow. So, we have planned to go to a nearby cafe for lunch. May I...go?" She asked while hoping he would agree.

"Of course, Sneha. Have fun. This is your age to do all those things, after all!" Her father chuckled while her mother nodded.

She sighed in relief. Even though she felt bad for lying, she had no other alternative. She had to lie because the true reason will never make her father agree to it. And, she didn't want to provoke a man like Viraj...again.

'It's just one time. One lunch and it will all be over.' She consoled herself.

"So...I might have to skip the karate classes tomorrow." She added.

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