Chapter 63

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This chapter is my Diwali present for you all... I hope you all would like it.





"I knew it! I told you that Viraj loves you and that is why he is hell-bent on marrying you!" Jyoti exclaimed as Sneha told her all about Viraj's love confession. They were in the college cafe, utilizing their break time in discussing Sneha's chaotic life.

"He doesn't love me. He is an illusion again. He is just infatuated with me, Jyoti. He is now claiming his feelings to be 'love', that's it." Sneha contradicted.

"How can you be so sure? I mean, you just told me how he looked at you throughout the time that the musicians played that romantic song. You know that men can't help but stare at the woman they are in love with. So, it is obvious that he loves you."

"As usual, he must have read about 'being in love' and all that thing on the internet. Or he must have watched another documentary on dating, from where he got the wrong idea."


"Hmm. He gets all the romantic ideas from the internet or the documentaries that explain to him how to date or spend time with a girl. I bet he got the idea of the firecrackers and the musicians from there."

"He watches all those things to learn how to express his feelings?" Jyoti was surprised.

"Yes. And, that is why I know that he doesn't love me. If he really loved me, then he would be showing his true self to me...and not this fake gentle facade that he is displaying these days."

"Or maybe it is his true nature."

"Viraj Khatri and gentle? Did you forget about his profession and what he does for a living? I mean, I don't even know how many people has he murdered to build that huge mansion that he calls home!"

"Yeah, I know! But, he is also a human being. He can fall in love too!"

"With me? Do you think I am better in any manner when compared with his ex-fiancee, Nupur? I am not as beautiful as her. I am not as rich as her. I am not as gentle as her. I am not as soft-spoken as her. And, most importantly, I am not the ideal woman that Viraj wants. He wants someone who agrees with him on every point. He wants his wife to do what he wants, go where he wants her to go and eat what he wants her to eat. He practically wants to control her life! Nupur wanted that lifestyle, and I respect her choice. But, I do not want it. If Viraj truly loved me, he would know about what I want!"

"How will he know what you truly want when you are always faking your feelings towards him? You accept his advances, for God's sake! You are even letting him kiss you! All this will obviously give him the wrong signal. He will think that you are happy and fine with all that he does!"

"Why are you supporting him?" Sneha whined!

Jyoti sighed.

"I am not supporting him, Sneha. I am just trying to understand the mess that you both have created in each other's lives. And, you are to be blamed equally since you are not telling him the truth about your real feeling about him and this marriage. If you don't want this, then you still have time to tell him the truth. I don't know how often I have to tell you this again and again!"

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