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12 | Choices

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12 | Choices

The oars brushed past the beautiful whit water lilies, the soft calming breeze brushing past the six. Kya was seated next to Lucy, her arm wrapped around her younger cousin gently. Every now and then Kya would lock eyes with Caspian, but knowing what might come she had a large decision ahead of her.

"Being a dragon wasn't all bad." spoke Eustace. "I mean, I think I was a better dragon than I was a boy, really." Eustace looked back at his sister who sent him a small smile, encouraging him to continue what he he was saying. "I'm sorry for being such a sop."

"It's okay, Eustace." assured Edmund, rowing the boat aside Caspian. "You are a pretty good dragon."

Kya reached over, rubbing her brothers shoulder making him look back at her. "But I much prefer you like this." A smile grew on Eustace's face, and it was a real one, not the fake ones that he would put on his face back home. Kya knew that when returning to England, her parents would be shocked to see their son an entirely knew person.

"My friends, we have arrived." Reepicheep interjected. All eyes turned to look over at the wall of water that they would soon be greet by.

They soon hit land, slowing the boat down until it came to a halt. When knowing it was safe to climb out they did, approaching the beautiful glistening wall of water. It was mesmerizing, majestic. It made scene why this would be the entrance to the perfect world.

"Aslan." Kya turned at the sound of her brothers voice. He was looking over at a gigantic lion, but this lion wasn't like any lion, he was much larger and instead a ferocious look in his face he had a kind one. This was Aslan.

Kya stared in almost awe at the creature that had made her life worth living. That had brought her to this place that made her feel like she actually belonged. The creature that rescued her from a terrible fate, that gave her a choice a voice. There he was standing before her.

"Welcome, children. You have done well." The lion greeted them. "Very well indeed." He looked over them all as he moved to stand in front of them. "You have come far, and now your journey is at its end."

Kya felt her heart tug in her chest, she was right, she didn't want to be but she was. She knew that her choice would have to be made now, she scared, more than anything she was scared of making the wrong choice. Of regretting her decision on either staying or leaving.

"Is this your country?" asked Lucy.

"No my country lies beyond."

Glancing once more at the wall, the wave of water flowing about in the air. Caspian broke the silence from beside Kya, "Is my father in your country?" She looked over at the king her eyebrows furrowed slightly at his words.

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