The Whorecrux

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     I woke up the next morning feeling sick. Rushing over to the bathroom, I threw up in the toilet, but cutely cause uwu🥺.

     'What the fuck you hooker,' Voldemort spat at me, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter. 'Now you have to clean my toilet. God, I hate you so much.'

     It warmed my heart to know that someone cared about me that much. Clear waterfalls flowed from my cerulean emerald golden maroon violet orange pink dark light sight balls. I held my stomach, feeling the sextuplets kick already, tearing my stomach lining. They would be named Hoe, Pork, Chop, Anal, Voldemort Jr., and Smut, short for Smutvana (my mother's name)☺️. This was the best moment of my life... until...

     'Hssssssssss,' A voice cooed as they slithered into the bedroom. 'I wasssss pregnant once with his kidsssssss too...'

I whip around to see a dusty musty disgusting slimy slithering whore in the threshold, and I grab the Raid on the counter. She's so beautiful and I'm jealous of the way her scales shimmer in the flickering yellowish white bathroom lighting. I'm ready to kill her so I can have my baby waby hubby lovey pookie pudding banana bread blueberry pie Voldemort all to my self😍🤪🥺☺️😚.

'Wait! I came here to warn you... Voldemort didn't want me to have kidssssss. Be careful...'

'What???!?????⁉️' I yell, lowering the Raid.

'Of course, I didn't plan to abort them but they died anywayssssss cause I'm an alcoholic. But anyways, bye you fat fucking pathetic loser, I'm out.'

She slithered out of the house, probably to a whore house or something, and I felt a tear roll down my eyes.😭💔I can't believe Voldemort would do something like this. So, I did the most logical thing: robbed his house and ran as far as I could, heartbroken.

After my short tiny weak paper toothpick legs ran .000000000000006900001 miles, I collapsed, exhausted. Suddenly, a huge shadow cast over me, and it was so big I thought it was... ur mom lol🤣. But instead, my orbs were met with huge rippling muscles, roaring with heat.

'Are you lost, baby girl?' Voldemort growled.

'🥺😭🥺😭💔💔⁉️🥺😭' I wailed.

'How the fuck did you just say that?' He responded.

is this love???😍😍😍😍😍

to be continued...?


A.N: hey babes!!! sorry for not posting recently!! I died and possessed someone and then got exorcised and then reincarnated🥺but now i'll be updating more regularly so pls remember to vote, share, and comment!!! love you!!1!1!😍😜😚💞

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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