Chapter 17: The sacrifice's victims

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When Juan Carlos and I woke up we were tied up.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"I don't know." Said Juan Carlos.

Just then a goblin came out.

"Well well well. Normals in monster town. What a surprise." Said the goblin.

"What do you what from us?" I asked while trembling in fear.

"Oh. You know. Just about to take you two to monster mountain so we can let the beast decide your fate." Said the goblin.

"No. You can't. I promised Tulio that I would protect Luna." Said Juan Carlos.

"Luna. So that's the girls name." Said the goblin.

"Just let us go!" I cried.

"No. Take them away boys." Said the goblin.

Two ghosts appeared and rode us off to monster mountain.

"I'm sorry Luna. I thought we would make it to see Marilu. But I found out we were wrong." Said Juan Carlos.

"It's ok Juan Carlos. Whatever happens we'll face it together." I said crying.

"You'll be ok Luna. I'm here." Said Juan Carlos.

At the top of monster mountain the goblin hung us up to let the beast decide our fate.

"Beast, let these normals live or die?" Asked the goblin.

The beast looked at Juan Carlos and I for one moment and then he made his decision.

"DIE!!!" Screamed the beast.

"What do we do?" Asked Juan Carlos.

I thought until I remembered what my father said.


("Remember Luna. If you and Juan Carlos ever get in trouble, use this." Said Tulio.)

("What's this for?" I asked.)

("You'll find out when you and Juan Carlos are on your journey. But only use it for emergency's." Said Tulio.)

("Ok." I said.)

(End of flashback)

"I know what to do." I said.

I raised my hand high up in the air and rang the bell.

"OW!!! IT HURTS!!!" Screamed the beast.

With the ring of the bell we knew someone was coming for our rescue.

An American born in Mexico (A 31 Minutos Alternate Universe) Part 2-3Where stories live. Discover now