The Black Lake

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    The air was humid and hot a slight breeze rippled over the black lake making the heat slightly more bareable. Students were gathering near the edge of the lake where Professor Kettleburn was teaching care of magical creatures. As Collin followed after a few of the boys from Gryfindor house she could hear them laughing and snickering among themselves. She knew them but did her best to avoid them, they were very obnoxious especially James and Sirius. She found them to be humorous at times but more often then not she could do without their shenanigans.

As everyone gathered around and began listening to the lecture she took interest in the strange creatures. Collin smiled watching as these winged seahorses flew about. They seemed to entrance Collin as she laughed a bit she followed one near the waters edge. It was small and its wings made a small humming sound hits flesh a deep blue.. She hadn't noticed but at this point the others had begun playing and feeding the seahorses as well. One flew by her hand hovering for a moment as she offered it a treat. The ripples of the water lapping against land almost distracted her.

"Why hello little one." She spoke her voice soft and kind. A second later she felt a hard and painful shove her eyes widened and as she fell. For a moment she caught the eyes of Remus he seemed annoyed by his friends but once he saw the panic on her face his eyes went wide.

As she hit the water she unintentionally gasped water filling her mouth. She wasn't the strongest swimmer and began panicking as she started to sink. Collin patted her robes in desperate search of her wand but couldn't seem to find it. Her lungs began to burn the water was freezing despite the summer heat.

She felt uneasy and panicked as her lungs continued to burn the water was dark and murky. She could feel seaweed ticking her and just before she could break the surface of the water to breathe she saw them. They zoomed around her effortlessly their tentacles latching onto her and dragging her down it wasn't until one of the fleshy creatures bit into her arms and legs with its jagged teeth that she saw a splash and someone swimming towards her. She tried to see who it was but she couldn't keep conscious any longer her lungs burned painfully as she felt more water enter her bronchial system. The water pressure making her ears pop.

Her vision began to dull as she saw sparks come from this strange figure. The grindylow ceased their attack a warm hand grabbed hers and as it tugged her to the surface blood trailed behind her from the bites. As soon as they broke the water students had gathered themselves around where Collin had fallen in. She felt weak as Lily and the Professor pulled her onto land.

She began coughing and vomiting water tears streamed down her face as she shook slight from what had just happened. She continued coughing up water as another soaking wet person began rubbing her back. She felt anxious with all of these eyes on her she clenched her fist and tried to keep her gaze away from the crowd.

"Remus bring her to the hospital wing. James give me her wand right this moment!" Kettleburn spat snatching it away from the dark haired boy. Collin finally lifted her eyes Remus was soaking wet as he quickly lifted her into his arms. Her wand was placed in her hands seconds before he rushed off carrying her.

"I'm really sorry about Sirius and James they meant no harm..." He said in his quiet soft voice but Collin didn't answer she was hiding her face in her hands silently sniffling. The bites stung painfully the scent of her own blood made her nauseous. Remus looked down at her and frowned it was obvious that he was uncertain on what he could say in this moment.

"They aren't so bad once you get to know th-" Collin cut him off her bright green eyes filled with tears.

"I don't care about your stupid friends Remus!" She yelled and shoved herself from his grasp she sniffled still shaken up from the grindylow attack. He let her go as she landed on her feet wincing in pain as she stumbled forward.

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