Cupid and Psyche

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Chapter One-A Peculiar Family 

Queen Aphrodite of  the Kingdom of Cosmo stared out her window, fuming with jealousy. She looked out at the blackness of the night, waiting for her son to come home. Her son, named Cupid, came into the earth after the death of her second husband. Her second husband happened to be a sorcerer. He died before he ever saw his son. It, indeed, was his fault that his son had powers. Mythical powers. Powers so rare that one could only dream of having the ability to do what Cupid could. 

Cupid, however, did not have this special power run in the blood in his veins. No, Cupid’s power came from his tears. He did not cry very often, though, and when he did it ought to be for a very good reason. His tears could not lift cars, nor could they help someone heal. They could make anyone, anything, fall in love. So, he put his tears to good use and filled them up inside home-made arrows. When someone was shot with one of these arrows, the first person they saw they would fall deeply in love with. The only catch was that he could not use his powers for himself. He could not shoot himself. He could not make others love him. 

But they did anyway. 

Yes, many maidens fell for Prince Cupid. He was a legend among them; his short brown hair, deep brown eyes and thin lips were known all throughout the land, and other lands as well. He was small for his age and often spent his time avoiding these crazed fans or doing deeds for his mother. 

Like tonight. 

Cupid rushed through the quiet village, the night creeping up on him like torn wallpaper. His dark eyes were fixed on the castle; his home. He, too, was quiet like the night. He often never said anything, which added to his mysteriousness. Cupid was not known for being boisterous, loud, and immature. He was known for being introverted, intelligent, and acting old for his young age. He was often filled with wise metaphors and thoughts only the elderly thought of. He was very smart. 

The stars were not out tonight. They were covered by immense, angry clouds. Queen Aphrodite could have believed they were rushing out of her ears. She had come up with a new errand for her son. An errand only he could execute…

Prince Cupid stumbled into the castle, holding a basket full of cosmetics for his mother. He walked quickly up the stairs, his boots making little to no sound. He was wearing his red robe & brown pants, as well. He was crownless that night in hopes that he would not attract too many mobs of screaming girls. The plan had worked, mostly. 

“Ah, there you are, dear,” his mother, Queen Aphrodite, said with a sigh. Cupid entered the room and carefully set the basket down on a table. He was just turning to leave when his mother announced, “I have another request. For tonight.” 

He swung back around. “I’m actually quite tired…” 

“Dear. This must be done. Tonight.” She replied crisply. Cupid bit his bottom lip. “Alright, what is it.”

The Queen pursed her lips and pushed back her long blond hair. She had love power, of sorts. They were not magical, though. She just had a way with men. The Queen could make any man fall in love with her. Of course, though, her mind wandered and she would see someone new; causing her to ditch the man she was currently with. 

“I’ve seen a man Cupid.” 

“Another man?” he sighed. 

“Yes, love. But this man is different.” 

Cupid sighed again and smoothed back his hair. “Mother….” 

“I promise, Cupid. This. One. Is. Different.” 

“Okay, okay. What do you want me to do? Shoot an arrow at him?” 

“Oh no, dear. I want you to shoot an arrow at his love interest.” 

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