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“Ricky you need to get a move on.”

Ricky looked up at his band mates, they all looked exhausted and fed up. With him. He’d been so consumed with memories that he hadn’t realised it was time to go. He hadn’t been paying attention too much recently, not since he had become a single man again. It felt alien to him, he’d do a gig and at the end of the day there was no one to talk to, no one to share the ins and outs of his day with. Who was he going to tell about the incident with the elderly woman at lunch? He felt such emptiness, such loneliness. How was he supposed to start filming again, being the happy go lucky Ricky that everyone expected?

“Come on Rick, it’s the last show before you have to film The Voice. Then you can mope until February.”

“Ha. Thanks for the moral support.” Ricky pushed off the sofa and followed the lads out of the dressing room, ready to take to the stage once again.

He started jumping up and down on the spot, trying to psyche himself up. One last show, a few weeks off and then filming for The Voice. He could do it, a break up wasn’t the end of the world. He just needed to keep telling himself that, and try not to concentrate on the ache that had settled and made it’s home in his chest. Heartbreak was a bitch.

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