Chapter 3

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"Right team, time to make me beautiful." Ricky went straight for the make up chair upon entering his dressing room, his team looked at each other bemusedly, there was a dramatic change in the Ricky that had left the dressing room, to the Ricky that had just entered.

"You seem a lot more upbeat Ricky." Sarah commented as she placed cool gel masks under Ricky's eyes to prep his face.

"Well, I had a great rehearsal. It's great to catch up with everyone again, and get to know Rita a bit more. I'm just enjoying being back, I guess." Ricky replayed the conversation he'd had with Rita, he was glad she'd agreed to do the show, he could already tell they'd have a lot of fun. Sarah, Shauna and Mark exchanged knowing glances, well aware that Ricky's new found perkiness had more to do with Rita than Ricky realised himself.

"Well Ricky, you just sit back and enjoy the make up process." Ricky managed to pull off a closed eye smirk that had Sarah laughing as she reached for the moisturiser.

"You're all set, Ricky."

"Do I look handsome? Not going to faint are you?" Ricky smirked at his team, adjusting his tie as he stood.

"Off you go and melt the hearts of the British public Ricky."

"HA. I knew I liked you Sarah." Ricky winked as he sauntered out of his dressing room

"Oi, Rick, wait up." Ricky turned to see Rita attempting to run in a crazy pair of shoes, the heels clacking on the floor. He grinned as she started waving enthusiastically at him.

"Morning Rita, looking lovely as always." Ricky and Rita did the obligatory double cheek air kiss and started back off to the set.

"You all set for today, Rick?" Ricky beamed silently at the use of her nickname for him.

"Yeah, the adverts should be fun to film. Excited for the Great British public to see you on their TV screens?" Ricky nudged Rita teasingly with his shoulder.

"Mate, I'm all over their TV screens." Rita somehow managed to make that simple sentence extremely sexy, Ricky became aware of his trousers becoming tighter as he replayed the image in his head, with Rita being all over something very different entirely. He shook the thought off and looked at his new co-worker and friend again, she was laughing at something on her phone. She was his friend, a mate, there was and would never be anything between them. Aside from the fact the beebs would probably kill them, he was too old, she'd never go for a guy like him.

"You're looking hot in that suit Rick." Rita placed her hand on his upper arm and he gulped.

"Yeah, they really need to get AC in here, I'm sweltering." Ricky fanned his face for added effect.

He received a large shove at his comment, "I meant you look handsome, suave, god blue eyes." Rita laughed at his aghast expression.

He looked handsome and suave, and she'd called him blue eyes. But no, they were mates. Only mates. He kept telling himself that as Rita continued to chatter away, fluttering her eyelashes and causing his heart to dance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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