Chapter 2

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“Okay Ricky, you’re all set. They want you on stage for the tech and run through of the performance.” Ricky was handed his black mic and ushered out the room, he followed the familiar backstage passage. As he reached the stage he stopped, standing in the shadows, looking out on the bright lights and empty seats. He took a moment to soak it all in, that he was standing here, for the second year. He still couldn’t believe people paid to hear him sing, and now he was coaching people once again. Life was crazy, but he wasn’t complaining.

“Where’s Ricky?” Tom’s voice cut through Ricky’s moment of reflection. He shook out his body and plastered on his mega-watt smile as he strode out onto the stage. “Ah, there he is.” Ricky greeted his three other coaches, Will was dressed in a typical outfit, Tom and Rita had, like him, opted for the normal rehearsal ensemble of jeans and a t-shirt.

Ricky greeted the other coaches, they didn’t waste any time with pleasantries, they had a job to do. The song had already been picked, now they just needed to choreograph the movement.

“That’s great guys, we’ll kick off auditions with the performance and then we’re going straight into auditions. Promo videos are being filmed today, that's the advert and clips that will air throughout the blinds, so head back to your dressing rooms to get changed. Good work today guys.”

Ricky broke away from his fellow judges and headed off stage, he’d had fun performing, it had almost made him forget about the hole in place of his heart, almost. Maybe the pain was still there, but at least no one had picked up on it. The boys kept telling him that he wasn’t as lively or chipper as normal, he couldn’t do with anyone here noticing.

“Alright, Ricky?” Rita had joined him in the tech room, “You didn’t seem yourself, you feeling alright?” Well, maybe someone had noticed.

“What? Oh, yeah, I am thanks. Just a bit distracted.” Ricky lifted a shoulder, aiming for nonchalance and smiled at Rita. Thinking the conversation was over he turned to leave and head back to his dressing room.

“Walk with me back to my dressing room, Rick?” Ricky turned to see Rita having her mic pack removed, a flash of firm stomach on display. He gulped and looked up into smiling eyes.

“Of course, Rita.” When had he become Rick?

As they walked back to their dressing rooms they chatted about anything and everything, he may not have known Rita that well before The Voice, but he could tell they’d be mates long after they finished filming.

“Thanks for walking with me Ricky, I’ll see you for the promo filming?” Rita stopped at her dressing room door.

“Yeah, of course you will. Be prepared for Team Ricky.” Ricky flashed his cheekiest smile at Rita, she made him forget about the heartbreak.

“Mate, Team Ricky is going down. Team Rita are bringing it this year. Just you wait.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” Ricky walked back to his dressing room with a grin plastered across his face.

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