The Garden

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Disclaimer: My story is going to be very different from the show. Do not expect the same events.


We stood there for a while not saying anything just staring at each other. I looked away first looking back at a beautiful moonflower that had caught my attention earlier. I watched as the morning slide down the petal and into the soil where it will help the flower grow. Zhe Yan cleared his throat behind me and I turned back to him. He was looking at my face with a searching look as if he was trying to figure something out. Finally, he said, "Mo Yuan told me about you saving the 9th disciple." I nodded keeping my eyes on him. He continued "What technique did you use, Mo Yuan, says that even I could not have saved him." Sighing I said, "I used a very dangerous technique that would have killed me if it went wrong." He looked at me before something clicked.

"Please," he pleaded "tell me you did not use the essence seeking technique." I looked away again, "If I told you that, I would be lying to you" I replied. Zhe Yan rushed forward and grabbed my arm. I looked at him with wide eyes as he demanded "Promise me you will never use that technique again." My eyes hardened as I yanked my arm back and I said, "I will promise no such thing. If I can save lives even at the expense of my own, I will." The hurt in his eyes was overwhelming but I held strong.

Changing the topic I asked, "Why did you change your mind about marrying me?" This time he looked away sadness and hurt etched across his face. Taking his face in my hands I stroked his cheek softly. "I am sorry," I said compassion flowing through me "I never meant to make you sad." Zhe Yan just leaned his face into my palm, sighing in comfort and peace. Smiling slightly at his actions I continued to stroke him. We stayed there for a while before I remembered that he had not answered my question. Pulling away from him I said, "Please answer the question." Zhe Yan just turned his head not willing to look at me. 

I gave a small sigh before turning and walking out of the garden. As I walked back to my room my family intercepted me. My father spoke up saying "Now that you are back we need to talk about where you will rule." I just nodded my head. I had known that when I came back my father would make me the ruler of some part of the fox empire. "Your mother and I have discussed it," my father continued "and we have decided that you will rule the northern region." My brothers stepped forward to argue but I held up my hand and said "As you wish." Before continuing my journey to my room. 

In my room, I thought about this latest development. The northern region was the biggest region in the kingdom. It also needed the most work. Often there were riots and the cold made growing crops incredibly difficult. To make matters worse foxes hate the cold. I of course know why my parents assigned this region to me. It was a type of punishment for all my energy and attention will be on ruling leaving almost no time for myself. It was for this reason my brothers were going to protest. Everyone in the family knew that I was lazy and would have hated ruling this part. However, the last 70,000 years had changed me and now I actually looked forward to ruling the northern region. 

I just hope that my family is prepared for the new me, I thought to myself.

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