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Time passed after our first date, not too much exciting stuff happened. We went on more dates, we made our relationship official, and now I'm going to live with him while he's in university. We also told Koide about us since he's our best friend, he was very supportive and happy for us. Then when I told Irisa and Noriko about us they showered me with nothing but love, Eijirou already knew and supported me from the start.

However, we don't all get lucky. When Iwasaki told his parents they weren't happy at all, he couldn't understand why and neither could I. There was no high standing position in his family that'll give them a bad image, then their reason was because of religion. Iwasaki then mentioned that he had never seen them go to church or even talked about the lord, he knows his grandparents do but not his parents.

Iwasaki was happy that he was moving away since they would constantly tell him to break up with me, which he had ignored. Irisa was very nervous about me moving away so soon but I kept telling her that I have a job to support myself and Iwasaki's working part-time too. Noriko was a bit worried but she supported me, then Eijirou was sad that he won't get to see me as often. I told him over and over again that I'll be visiting and he can visit too, plus I know he'll come to my work to see me.

After we moved in nothing but good things happened, Eijirou visited once every week and had lunch with me at work every day. I visited home once every two weeks and that made Irisa and Noriko happy, I was happy too.

I have now gone over the good part, I must go over the bad part. It was a year after we were going out, this was right around New Year's. Iwasaki went home to his family for the new year, he told me not to come with him since his family doesn't accept us. I didn't mind since I wanted to hang out with Eijirou and his friends.

That's exactly what I did, then the next day when I got home Iwasaki wasn't there. I shrugged it off and got ready to start work again after the holidays, Iwasaki didn't get home until three days later. When he did I could smell alcohol all over him, I asked him if he had been drinking but he didn't answer.

Instead, he picked me up and took me to the bedroom, I kept asking if something was wrong. He never answered me, he just laid me down and laid next to me while holding me. I took one more chance and asked him what was wrong, which seemed to of angered him. He told me to shut up and slapped me, after that he went to sleep and I was left shocked in his arms.

I laid awake the whole time he slept which felt like a few hours, when he woke up he kissed the back of my neck. I quickly got up and left the room, I heard him asking where I was going but I didn't respond. I just quickly grabbed my work stuff and put it into my backpack, Iwasaki kept asking what I was doing.

That was when I shouted at him to figure it out himself, I then ran out of the apartment. I went home and spent the night there, Iwasaki kept texting and calling me but I shut off my phone. I wasn't sure what got into him and I wasn't sure about the future of our relationship, I was just clueless.

The next day I went to work and after work I went back to the apartment, I took a deep breath before I walked through the door. I was then engulfed in a hug, I stood there for a moment before I pushed him off me. He was ugly crying as he got on his knees and begged for forgiveness, I stared at him for a few minutes.

It was hard to make up my mind but I kneeled next to him and forgave him, he was very happy. I then had him explain to me what happened over New Year's, which he did without talking back. He told me about all the mean comments he got, then he told me that what made him most upset was how they talked about me. That was when he started drinking so he can deal with his family for the rest of the time he was there.

I told him he couldn't touch alcohol again and he agreed, I then got rid of the alcohol we had. After that nothing bad happened again, we were back to normal. I was still wary but I knew he loved me and I loved him so we just continued as if nothing happened.

Not much happened for another two years, we were still alright but I was able to create my own company. I got all the equipment I needed and more, I hired a few people to help with financing, designing, and appointments. After starting my company I didn't have a lot of customers but that soon turned into many once Eijirou started telling his hero friends about my company.

I got huge business and I had a pretty full schedule, it was great for just starting. But there is something that I should mention, now that I think about it. It's from the time before I made my own company, I was finally introduced to the costume designers after working at my old company for almost two years. It was an unexpected meeting but they were the... Bakugou's.

I was surprised and scared at first but then I asked if they had a son named Katsuki, they quickly said yes. I then told them I know him since I went to the support class at UA, they were shocked. Then his mother, Mitsuki, suddenly apologized.

These were her words, "I'm sorry you had to know my son, he's such a little shit. He should be much nicer if he wants to be a hero, he could be so much better." It was easy to tell that she was disappointed, she was shaking her head and had an ashamed tone of voice.

She then got called away to do something and I was left with Katsuki's father, Masaru. He smiled at me and watched his wife walk away, he then spoke to me. This was what he said, "I'm sorry on behalf of my wife and son. Mitsuki raised him to think of himself as superior and never to show weakness, also to take what he wants. It was how she was raised, she didn't mean to raise him that way... it just happened since I worked more than she did. Katsuki isn't a bad kid... it's just he wasn't raised right, if you're still in contact with him could you help him?"

I told him that I haven't talked to him since graduation and if I see him I'll talk to him. He then left to Mitsuki, that was when everything made sense. He was told to feel superior which was obvious, even in his and Eijirou's relationship. He was told to never show weakness which is why he's so cocky and never thinks about anyone else's feelings, Eijirou and I experienced that. Then he was told to take what he wants... that was shown by trying in many ways to make me his.

It all made sense, the look he gave me when he left the lab that day. He did have true feelings towards me and he was heartbroken by my rejection, if only he didn't use Eijirou and force himself on me... I would've chosen him. But now I'm looking forward to the day I meet him again, I want him to know that what he did was wrong but I want to help him to get on the right path of society.


Word count: 1357

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