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"Really? I didn't think you would say yes after all I've done to you," he said with his head down in shame when he remembered what he did to me. I softly smiled and patted his head, I found his spiky hair quite soft. He looked up when I did that, I could tell by his expression that he felt bad.

"Bakugou, you've changed, right? I can tell just by your tone of voice," I told him and he sighed.

"Is that really enough to convince you that I've changed? What if I try to do something to you like back in high school?" he questioned me.

"If you do try something I'll just tell Eiji and he'll kick your ass," I told him and both of us chuckled knowing he would do it. "Do you wanna prove to me that you changed?"

"Oh... I would like to do that. I don't want you to trust me on what you see and hear now, I wanna prove to you that I can be a trustworthy friend," Bakugou said after he took a sip from his beer.

"Deal. During my stay with you, you'll prove that you're trustworthy. How does that sound?" I suggested to him.

"Sounds great, I didn't think you would actually agree to this. How long do you think you'll stay with me?" Bakugou asked and I thought for a moment.

"Probably a month at most, I just need time to save up to get my own place," I told him. "Oh and I wanna leave Iwasaki's home by next week, does work with you?"

"Yep, I'll prepare my spare room in the meantime. Will you be bringing any furniture?" Bakugou asked.

"No, most of the furniture is Iwasaki's. Just me, clothes, and valuables," I told him and he nodded. We then chatted and drank more, we also had something to eat. And as promised I paid for everything, then we left the restaurant. Before I left Bakugou asked for a hug, I took a moment to think. I decided just to give him a quick hug, he seemed happy just with that.

What I forgot was that a friend of Iwasaki's works at that restaurant, she saw us hug and told Iwasaki right away. So when I got home Iwasaki was standing in front of the door with his arms crossed and a strong glare, I was instantly confused. "Hey, Iwasaki... what's that matter?" I asked him.

He pulled out his phone and started reading a text he got, "I just saw Midoriya on a date with a hero with blonde spiky hair, I think he's Dynamight. They even hugged outside the restaurant, maybe even kissed. I couldn't see because of the angle I was at, I thought to tell you right away."

My eyes widened, "Iwa it isn't what you think! He came to my work to get new support item and then after I gave them to him we decided to catch up. He's changed a lot trust me! And I wouldn't do that to you," I told him.

"Why the fuck would you wanna meet up with that asshole Bakugou? After all the shit he did, you even fucking hugged him. Did you kiss him too? Do you like that shit? Want me to force myself on you too? Is that what you're into?" Iwasaki shouted at me.

"No! Why would you think that?" I shouted back at him. He glared at me and grabbed my arm, he dragged me to the bedroom. He threw me on the bed and just like he said he began to force himself on me, I was shouting at him to stop. "Stop! You're no better than Bakugou right now! Get off me!"

"Ugh! I'm sick of this shit... I'm done with you. Leave and go to that Bakugou bastard, I've already found someone better than you," Iwasaki said as he got off me.

"What? What do you mean someone better?" I asked as I sat up. He groaned and picked up his phone, he dialled a number. I watched as he waited for the person on the other line to pick up, he then smirked at me.

The person then picked up, "Hey Yazawa, come over. ...Yeah, he's not here don't worry. ...Great see you soon," he hung up and looked at me. "Get your shit and get out."

My eyes were wide as I tried to hold back tears, I then quickly started packing everything of mine. I had two suitcases and a box full of my things, I quickly left the apartment and left the key too. As I got to the main floor I saw Yazawa, she gasped when she saw me. "Good luck with that cheating and shitty asshole," I told her as I walked away.

I then left the building and sat on the stairs of the entrance, I pulled out my phone. I was about to call Eiji but then I saw Bakugou's name, I quickly called him. He luckily answered, "Midoriya? What's with the sudden call?"

"C-can... you pick me up?" I asked while trying to hold back tears.

"Hey! What's wrong? ...I'll pick you up, what's the address?" he asked while I heard movement on his end of the call.

I gave him my address, "I'm s-sitting outside," I told him.

"Ok, I'll be as quick as I can!" he said and hung up. I continued to hold back my tears, it was very difficult though. Just like Bakugou said he came not long after I called him, he ran over to me. "Midoriya... I won't ask what happened right now. Come on let's get your things in the car."

I stood up and helped him put my few things in his car, I then got into the passenger seat. He got in the driver's seat and drove away, the ride to his place was quiet. He didn't ask me what happened, he just let me be.

When we got to his place he helped take my things in, his place was nice but a bit messy. "Sorry for the mess, just wait in the living room. I need to clean the spare room," Bakugou told me. I nodded and sat on the couch, I sat in silence as he cleaned up the spare room.

When he was done he helped me unpack my things, then when he was about to leave to go to bed he stopped in the doorway. "Try to sleep well, I'll see you in the morning," he said and closed my door for me.

I laid down on the bed and looked over at the dresser, I sighed and got back up. I put on some pyjamas, I then got back on the bed. I tried to close my eyes but once I did tears fell, then they wouldn't stop. They were like a flood, I then couldn't hold back my voice. I wailed as tears continued to fall down my face, Bakugou quickly opened my door.

He then ran over to me and hugged me tightly, I continued to cry on his shoulder. When I finally calmed down Bakugou laid me back on the bed, he then laid beside me. I held him close to me, he did the same. I was somehow able to fall asleep like that, I did cry in my sleep though. It would wake up Bakugou but he would just wipe my tears away and hold me closer, it helped.

So sorry for not posting on Tuesday, I was so tired since I had to work that day. Virgo 100%✎

Word count: 1275

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